While everything else has been going on, it seems that Russian financial institutions were again under cyber-attack according to this story that appeared in the English-language service of Deutsche Welle(carried also on AP and Reuters), in this story shared by Mr. M.M.:

Russia repels cyber attack on financial systems: FSB

This comes after a TASS story by Yuri Smityuk that appeared on Dec. 2:

Russian banks expect a powerful cyber attack and prepared to repel them

What caught my attention, however, was the Deutsche Welle story, and these items:

Russia's security agency thwarted a cyber attack aimed at destabilizing the country's financial system, according to the agency's statement Friday.

The Federal Security Service (FSB), said unnamed attackers planned to flood Russian social networks with comments and send mass text messages with false comments warning of the imminent collapse of major banks and financial systems in the country.

The FSB received information on "plans by foreign secret services to carry out large-scale cyberattacks from December 5," it said in a statement.

It said the attacks would originate from computer servers in the Netherlands owned by Ukrainian company BlazingFast, based in Kiev.
(Emphasis added)

Then, later in the story, we find this piece of confusing information:

Two people in Ukraine, believed to be in control of the 900,000 hacked devices that formed the massive "AVALANCHE" botnet, were arrested as part of a series of police raids in 10 countries, German authorities announced on Thursday. German leaders hinted at Russian involvement.

The leader is left with the lingering impression that the Ukrainian attack mentioned in the fourth paragraph of the article is the same network that had two of its leaders arrested in the 10-country international raid, which Germany is maintaining had Russian involvement, leading to the possibility that Russia staged an attack on itself, and blamed it on hackers in Kiev, The Ukraine.

In today's world, anything is possible of course.

However, in this case, I don't think that scenario is at all plausible. There's another high octane scenario that I think lurks in between the lines of those first four paragraphs. For the sake of argument, let's accept the FSB's (Federalnaya Sluzhba Bezopaznosti Rossiyskoi Federatsii, Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation) explanation here at face value, namely, that the attacks originated in the Ukrainian company BlazingFast, through servers in the Netherlands. For the Ukraine to launch a cyber-attack on Russian banks and its banking system - even through a corporate cats paw, on its own is absurd. It would only fuel the tensions between the Ukraine and Russia, and hand Mr. Putin yet another talking point on the whole western-instigated mess there. Meanwhile, Germany was strongly hinting that Russia was behind the attacks:

German leaders angry at cyberattack, hint at Russian involvement

Notably, however, they're stopping just short of saying it outright, and that suggests that there's simply not enough evidence to make a convincing case.

Who then might be behind it, since, again, the Ukraine would not have undertaken such a crazy operation on its own. By this time, we all know who was behind the installation of the current (barely functional) government in Kiev, and it wasn't Mr. Putin. It wasn't even Frau Merkel or M. Hollande, though they certainly weren't unhappy with the outcome. The effort ultimately originated in Washington, and also with certain Non-Governmental Organizations associated with a certain billionaire who hates Russia, and who would be promptly arrested should he ever visit that country. Recall, too, the efforts of various American agribusiness companies that secured port rights in the Ukraine and which were looking to introduce their GMO products into that country and make a fat profit off of "Europe's breadbasket."

So if one is to look for the most likely agent provocateur in this story, I would look to those neo-con elements in the USA ultimately responsible for the Ukrainian mess. If so, then look for a Russian response of some sort, most likely in the publication of data pointing in that direction, and vociferous denials in the corporate controlled media of the west.

See you on the flip side...

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. goshawks on December 8, 2016 at 6:55 pm

    Just like with 9/11, I would look to the evidence for greed to identify the perpetrators. The PTB seemingly-cannot help themselves from ‘earning’ a separate profit off their diabolic event-making.

    In the Russian bank-attack case, I would simply look as-to which parties had put a big Put (I believe that’s the correct term) on the Russian banks in the days prior to the execution of the attack. “Follow the money, ” but in a more clandestine sense…

    • goshawks on December 8, 2016 at 7:04 pm

      (If the Russians actually did it to themselves, it could be a ‘warning’ message. The state of the global ponzi banking system is soooo fragile – unsustainable – at this point that even the failure of the smaller Russian central-banks could have a ‘domino effect’ on the global central-banking system. An engineered crash, which the Russian economy could probably live through. It would be ironic if this was a reverse ‘Samson Option’ gambit, given the owners of the central banking system…)

  2. Robert Barricklow on December 8, 2016 at 4:30 pm

    The Germany getting the corporatized ink certainly won’t spill those derivatized Soros beans…
    take that to their privatized zombie deutsche bundesbank.

  3. marcos toledo on December 8, 2016 at 12:00 pm

    Always blaming someone else for self created problems. The West created this house of cards hackers paradise to screw their usual targets-victims and are whining they’re been impaled on their own petard. Serves them right those who set out to deceive should be ready to pay the consequences of their acts. The Russians are on to their act and are prepared to defend themselves .

  4. WalkingDead on December 8, 2016 at 7:05 am

    We can also add in the recent near miss of another meteor. Russia is a large country, but three near misses over the same area could be considered a bit suspicious. These could be natural events, or “plausibly deniable” messages using “kinetic weapons” with a somewhat “natural” origin. I still remain skeptical of the “space fleet”, alien, and meteor meme, but who knows, really, what is going on out there now and who may be behind it.

  5. DanaThomas on December 8, 2016 at 5:11 am

    Lurking in the background, perhaps the different factions in Germany? Such as the pragmatic “Eurasian” Russian-alliance approach on the one hand and the Bayer-Fourth Reich on the other…

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