For some reason, this week many people saw and shared stories that are so disturbing in their contents and implications that I hesitate sharing them. But, equally, they are so disturbing and heartbreaking, I hesitate not to share them. Reserving my comments and remarks for later, without any further ado, here are the articles that people shared; the first two articles by Ms. B.H. (copy and paste into your browser):

And, lest we forget how this touches the deep state, consider this story:

Most readers here know what I've long thought about the connection between abortion, the various scandals like the Franklin scandal or the Penn state scandals, the sale of human baby bodies parts by certain despicable and evil organizations whose name won't be repeated here. In short, I have thought that all of this - the allegations of sex, slavery and human trafficking, the allegations of sacrifice, and so on, are all connected. If the allegations of Ronald Bernard are true, then the reason is that the high elite are involved - by deliberate choice - in high evil. As the article puts it, he was in training to be a psychopathic narcissist, without conscience.

I'm inclined to believe the story: after all, it's now known that the elites of Bohemian grove practice mock sacrifice (after these revelations, one can only hope that it's a mock sacrifice) called the "cremation of care," i.e., the sacrifice of all conscience.

This means, in effect, that what we all have sensed, is true: our "leaders" are some of the most depraved and evil people on the planet.

But of course, the article and Mr. Bernard's revelations are almost "too convenient"; it confirms most of what many have suspected about the financial and power oligarchies, and these activities. As I read these articles, I had the same doubts and thoughts. But then Mr. V.T. sent along this article, which confirms similar things from a completely different angle (again, copy and paste into your browser):

Whatever else the last article does, it does indicate that these rings are organized and of at least regional or country-scale, and it requires little leap of the imagination to extend the principle to a global phenomenon.

But why sacrifice?

Well, herewith my high octane speculation of the day. I've suspected, for years, that the practice of human sacrifice never went away; it simply went underground, and that the abortion mills were a way of re-introducing it in a euphemistic form that would be "acceptable" to many people; but the practice never quit. The question is, why? And in answer to that disturbing question comes an equally disturbing high octane speculation, one suggested by the statements of Mr. Bernard (again, taking the article and the statements as truth for the sake of argument). These people actually serve gods or a "god" that demands it; they're maintaining a system of tithe and tribute, and perhaps doing so under a threat. Similarly, I've suspected for quite some time - and indeed speculated along these lines in Grid of the Gods - that many of these activities are deliberately conducted on certain nodal points on the planet, in order to enhance (in their sick thinking) whatever "power" they think they gain from these activities.

We're a long way from getting to the bottom of these stories and activities.

But consider: progress has been made. When the Franklin scandal broke in the late 1980s and early 1990s, it seemed too ghastly to be believed. It was a one-off, nothing more. Now, more and more people are coming forward to reveal their own experiences with it, and more and more investigative journalists are willing to investigate and write about it.

See you on the flip side...

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. John Prewett on May 15, 2017 at 1:51 am

    Jimmy Savile notorious child molester. Knighted by both Pope and Queen of England.
    Jeffery Epstein a “pillar” of the “elite” establishment.
    “our “leaders” are some of the most depraved and evil people on the planet.” … Indeed
    Confirming NT claim that “god of this world” is an evil spirit person.
    An evil spirit person who rewards his followers with worldly wealth.

  2. Robert Barricklow on May 13, 2017 at 5:09 pm

    The above woman pictured
    was moderated[red ‘x’ed]

    • Bobanonymous on May 19, 2017 at 6:55 pm

      Glad to see that you are covering this often glazed-over subject, Dr. Farrell. I am not yet certain that Mr. Bernard is the real deal, but I am certain the practice exists as described, as I have observed some rather disturbing things during my youth in Wisconsin (which I did not understand until I was well into adulthood) that led me to strongly believe this kind of activity was in practice.
      I do not agree with a rather disturbing observation I have read below, by a person going by the name of Syncromyst– This comment states, “Humans killing other humans has to do with our innate predatory kill drive and sadism is a part of that same drive. We all know how cats play with their prey, as type of training for understanding their prey’s weaknesses. It’s a dopamine high that triggers the feel good adrenaline which ends in an endorphin rush.
      Sadists and thrill killers are addicted to it.”
      Believe it or not, some (possibly most) people do not have this “innate predatory kill drive.” I would argue that such a “drive” is not “innate” at all, and has been bred or systematically ingrained onto the neural pathways by brain entrainment, and information and media absorption. I find it extremely disappointing that a person would assume that a “predatory kill drive” is somehow innate in human beings, rather than a response to environment. Even more disappointing in the statement is the writer’s apparent belief that sadism (also known as epicaricacy) is an “innate” or natural form of psychological development. I can assure you that this is certainly not true in all human beings–rather, we are being psychologically conditioned to accept these thought processes as a natural part of our “evolution” or development. I will also state that this idea that an “innate predatory drive,” or “necessary blood sacrifice” or the “natural need to kill” was an idea that I heard in occult circles, and which I found very disturbing. Disturbing enough that I disengaged from those circles very early, but remained in contact with people who did not.
      As an adult, I also read that the reason some murders were so gruesome was because the victim was subjected to torture in order to transfer fear adrenaline into the blood that was drained into the chalice. This adrenaline could then be ingested by those involved in the blood drinking ritual. I would argue insistently that such a ritual performance would be a product of environmental training, and that the sadistic nature of these sacrifices was not innate at all, but a product of environment and group dynamics.
      I will also argue that we are being psychologically conditioned to accept violence as natural by an very influential, unseen “governing group” which I will call “Adversary.” They influence education, media information, the internet, gaming, food, water, air, and even our languages in ways that we scarcely perceive, transforming the societies of the Earth into a massive Conflict Society–a huge group wherein death, injury, and disease are accepted as “natural,” and murder and warfare are accepted as simply part of the life experience. So far, they are doing an incredible job of transforming the Earth into a technological Conflict Society, and it shows no signs of slowing down. Only a complete overhaul of the accepted way of interacting with one another will change anything in a significant way, and it appears that most humans, not just killers and sadists, are addicted to epicaricacy and the “rush” feeling obtained when dominating another.
      Ideas on how to change human thinking without being invasive or deceptive are welcome. Humans need a good example, but we are sorely lacking one right now, with the only visible examples seemingly in the pages of books, which many people are abandoning in droves due the conflict seemingly generated by religious leaders and idealogues. How then should we live, in order to be free of adversarial groups?


  3. rich overholt on May 13, 2017 at 3:36 pm

  4. rich overholt on May 13, 2017 at 3:27 pm

  5. Robert Barricklow on May 7, 2017 at 11:13 am

    Who knows how many deaths are ascribed to plugging up this information trail inside the hidden hierarchy of these monsters? Which are sometimes hidden in plain sight – Headlines.

  6. Vornigold on May 7, 2017 at 2:31 am

    Well guys, looks like we all have some explanation as to why. Teaching your kids that rich people and predatory sexual behavior go hand in hand could be a great start. Right alongside the birds and the bees talk! I think this practice would do wonders for all cultures. It’s just like the pedophile catholic priest meme. Now they are starkly on the radar since those ideas have been introduced into the culture. Don’t let your revulsion help keep this topic hidden.
    Basically, it doesn’t matter why. The whens, wheres, and hows will get them exposed and arrested just fine. Just bring the hard evidence!
    There has been a trail of bread crumbs leading to these two…

    … and the world just dropped it in favor of fretting over Donald Trump

  7. Syncromyst on May 6, 2017 at 2:19 pm

    Humans killing other humans has to do with our innate predatory kill drive and sadism is a part of that same drive. We all know how cats play with their prey, as type of training for understanding their prey’s weaknesses. It’s a dopamine high that triggers the feel good adrenaline which ends in an endorphin rush.
    Sadists and thrill killers are addicted to it.

    Now, the voyeurs, theirs is a different mix of neurotransmitters, as they partially, as in a split-mind way, identify with both killer and victim. Viewing the horror, the voyeur’s emotional and drive states are extremely intensified to the point of an altered state. It’s the altered state that is thought to be mystical, magical, powerful, etc. Personally, I doubt it.

    When victims are not killed, it’s believed by some that their freeze state, an extended shock state, also has same or similar power. MK Ultra programming is based on that belief.

    Any act we humans do that is abstracted and placed on an altar, a stage, a screen, intensifies the act. When it is public it is used to scare the sheeple. When it is private it is used to control individuals.

    I believe, we, as a species, can evolve out of this, but not with out great effort.

    • iZeta on May 7, 2017 at 9:08 am

      … and guidance.

      • Fausto Honeywood on May 7, 2017 at 10:42 am

        You might find this article of interest

      • Syncromyst on May 7, 2017 at 11:59 am

        iZeta, I agree, guidance is needed. But from who? Just seems to me, and I could be wrong, it’s the predator personality types that make it to the top of the social hierarchy. Are there benevolent predators? I want to be optimistic.

        • iZeta on May 9, 2017 at 1:03 am

          I can’t agree with the term “benevolent predators” – it is an oxymoron. Also, when I say “guidance” I mean teachings. We have lots of them, from all over the world, and some are very old such as The Ten Commandments. I don’t think we’d be in this mess if they were adhere to.

          • Syncromyst on May 9, 2017 at 1:37 pm

            So true, the basic spiritual/moral teachings that are out in the world do make for a better humanity. We get it. We may not have to money or the tech, but we do have the numbers! I’m leaning toward optimism.

  8. gizadeathstarcommentator on May 6, 2017 at 1:13 pm

    The numbers of children and young people kidnapped are in the MILLIONS. They’ve been taken to the underground tunnels and caverns. They are sacrificed in black magic rituals and used to satisfy the cabal’s perversions. They are taken from war zones and disaster zones where no-one would notice their disappearances. If you truly wish to investigate this, start by considering the logistics. Look especially at the charities who work in such places. Look at international shipping.

    • rich overholt on May 7, 2017 at 3:03 pm

      Under ground AND underwater
      These wretched punks will be held accountable. When they get a load of my little HoneyBear…and her unabashed, her unashamed sexuality if they have harmed one single hair on her heavenly naked body they will find there are horrors worse than death.

  9. basta on May 6, 2017 at 4:46 am

    I’ve mulled this question daily for years, and to answer the why of sacrifice you need to go back to first causes, to origins. I think the preponderance of evidence indicates, as the Sumerians recorded, that humanity was genetically engineered as a slave race between 350-500,000 years ago. We are missing two base pairs of chromosomes, 46, though we are supposed to have descended from primates carrying 48. We have over 2000 diseases caused by genetic aberrations. Why? Our natural circadian rhythm, when isolated from the sun, is 24.4 hours – the exact length of the day on Mars (a now blasted husk of a dead planet thrown out of orbit but once earth’s sister planet or perhaps Tiamat’s moon). Those two “extra” chromosomes were fused to allow hybridization with the gods/Annunaki/call them what you want, who clearly had 46 as well.

    You see bits of all this pre-history popping up in myth all the time; for example, in the Epic of Gilgamesh, Aruru “goddess of creation” (i.e., chief medical officer) is tasked with creating Enkidu, and goes about it in this way: “So the goddess conceived an image in her mind, and it was of the stuff of Anu of the firmament. She dipped her hands in water and pinched off clay, she let it fall in the wilderness, and noble Enkidu was created.” Well, to properly execute gene splicing, you need sterilization (dipping your hands in water) and the actual manipulation must be performed on a porcelain substrate, not glass, or the genes will not be viable. Porcelain, of course, is made from clay.

    So, the Annunaki were the alien race that came here to mine gold, set up camp in Iraq and Africa and didn’t want to work that hard to do it and the lower ranks rebelled, forcing the expedition leaders, begrudgingly, to create humans, the worker slaves. Lots of evidence, such as the murder of Mars, the asteroid field and the wild projectile orbits of comets, indicate that these “gods” were also murderous, violent psychopaths, and had to be dislodged from exploiting this solar system by a very nasty war.

    Okay, right from the start you can see these “people” weren’t particularly godlike, were they? They sure sound a heck of a lot like humans in their violence, sloth, greed, insolence, carelessness, lack of medical ethics and blithe disregard for unintended consequences. I think they were probably a band of outlaws, renegades and hustlers who strip-mined planets on the sly, and that humanity was midwifed by the likes of Han Solo from Star Wars, except without the charm or conscience.

    So we received those traits in spades. They cooked up worship of the gods (them) to keep us in line and to tithe us. Get the 10%. Always obsessed by money, making a buck without earning it, and it goes down through the ages as slavery, usury, taxation, compound interest, etc. One of their great legacies. They gave us, directly or indirectly, the curse of the Abrahamic religions, all founded by that psychopathic real estate agent (“I’ll get you that Promised Land, I promise!”) who had some nifty high-tech toys like the Arc, and who went around offing people who looked at him the wrong way with impunity, and who incited the Israelites to mass slaughter and sacrifice, all the while telling them incessantly that they were special, the apple of his eye. What an operator, as slimy as they come. Oh, and he also created bureaucracy and death by taxes. Leviticus, one of the original five “holy” books, is nothing more than a mind-numbing litany of priestly privileges (“I get the very best lamb from your flock”) and “thou shalt nots” for thanks.

    Well, I could go on and flesh out the rest, but you get the gist of it. So, with all that as our parentage, what should we really expect?

    • Kahlypso on May 8, 2017 at 6:36 pm

      “death by taxes” created by the priesthood/bankers.
      The priestly priveleges got upped when the gods died out Basta. The Sea People (which were the annunaki who escaped their great war into europe, might have ended up being the nordic gods..) ravaged the remnants of Eygpt and Greece, any Annunaki (or whatever you want to call them.. “wywtct’s” from now on) in those kingdoms were gang pressed or killed, and they took on Syria when they found Marduk, (i dont remember who won that one..) but they didnt find Enki and no more fruits of life meant no more immortal life.
      Then they probably devolved into the Jack and Beanstalk, flesh eating giants floating in the clouds..or mysterious giant skeletons lying all over the place…and then some might have devolved even further into some of us.
      No wonder Enlil was furious to see cross breeding going on. The guy could see the future..
      The ancient religions exiged and received sacrifice. It horrifies us, but once upon a time.. it was a daily practise… give us this day our daily bread.
      Why did it need sacrifice. Bascially – old religion = white or black magic rites. ok,

    • rich overholt on May 9, 2017 at 9:02 pm


  10. Cate on May 6, 2017 at 2:05 am

    The thing is, in these circles, we all know about this. The Dutch fellow blew his whistle loudly, and many folks round the net picked it up. The details are merely (yet more) nausea-inducing confirmation. The www is the big change in all this. At the start of WW1 people may have known, in small circles, about this. But how to get out to the masses? This www opportunity has presented itself. Maybe we’re the generation that must put it together, keep it together and sort this sh** out for once and for all. Heaven only knows it’s gone on for long enough.
    The question is; what should we do about this info. now? Send it to a libtard sister? Hope that a libtard brother will read it and change his vegan, climate-change-head-banging ways? These libtards still see their governments as valid power-structures. They do not realise that the entire structure needs to be dismantled for humanity to shift away from satanic times.
    Doc.F has said in the past that a sudden shift would be too heavy for the system to bear and the chaos that would necessarily ensue would not make the change worthwhile. But these things happen whether we want them to or not- coming ready or not. Fortune favours the prepared, and I believe these satanists were prepared after something happened in our much nearer past than people can generally accept. The rising Russian consciousness of this recent thing in our past could possibly be another reason they’re routinely targeted.
    Whether we historically sacrificed children, or find other ways of shrugging if aside is up to the individual. I find it unacceptable when there are cattle- genuine cattle in fields, eating grass (not ‘goyim’).
    I will be happy to see the end of such evil, and visualise it more clearly each day.

  11. Robert Barricklow on May 5, 2017 at 7:20 pm

    This is a subject that speaks volumes to its deadening…
    Ever now and the press screams and then comes the scapegoat…
    Once a documentary was set to air on ABC. This included some DC pedophiles of [ill] repute. Needless to say; minutes before airing…
    it disappeared, and was not seen again.
    Bill Colby was said, by the Franklin author, to be investigating it when he was found dead by the river.
    Everyone here could relate dozens of stories that go where flight 370 went.
    So there the proverbial 800 pound gorilla in the media room. “our” media? was it ever alive?

    The national anthems of countries,
    when they play some version of…
    home of the brave?

    The silence
    to be heard.

  12. Sandygirl on May 5, 2017 at 5:21 pm

    The psychopaths are following Yahweh their psychopath leader.
    The Vatican wants your blood in exchange for a free ticket to the museum but it takes 4 donations to get that free ticket. That’s a lot of blood.

  13. Randy on May 5, 2017 at 3:48 pm

    The ONLY problem we got folks is …In 1770 the Irish statesman and philosopher Edmund Burke wrote about the need for good men to associate to oppose the cabals of bad men …No man, who is not inflamed by vain-glory into enthusiasm, can flatter himself that his single, unsupported, desultory, unsystematic endeavours are of power to defeat the subtle designs and united Cabals of ambitious citizens. When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. or ta put IT in good ole country simple Trucker terms clean’in shit OUT … is a nasty biz & few, VERY few , will do … ! & as JPF once said ” if your the pray~in sort B …spe·cif·ic ”

    adjective: specific

    clearly defined or identified.

  14. LSM on May 5, 2017 at 2:10 pm

    it’s about time more and more people continue address this most hideous of topics; once enough people address this issue that is real the more can be done to combat this problem;

    12 + yrs. ago here in Germany there was a very short TV presentation about a very young German woman (but please bear with me- the following is just so horrific) who in a satanic ritual was forced to drink a potion that caused her to abort her foetus and then forced to eat it among the others present…

    she was diagnost with multiple personality dissorders so her testimonies were not taken seriously-

    her sister, however, who didn’t go through this trauma said her sister was telling the truth;

    you can’t get anymore HIDEOUS than this!!!
    and loving, careing people think this just c.ould not possibly exist!!!???- Hellooo!!!-

    I could go on and on about this topic-

    I just recently listened to an interview with former FBI chief Ted Gundersen where he stated 80 children in in the USA alone go missing every hour and most are never seen or heard from again; this info is staggering…

    be well all-

    Larry in Germany

  15. Kenny on May 5, 2017 at 2:01 pm

    • Tommi H on May 5, 2017 at 2:58 pm

      They still need to cut the 7 heads off the pedofile ring. But it´s a good start.

    • Kahlypso on May 8, 2017 at 6:40 pm

      Why was it called ‘operation pacifier’?
      to pacify whom?

  16. marcos toledo on May 5, 2017 at 11:57 am

    What these stories say is what we who are aware have always suspected of our overlords. This along with the Dr. Phil interview you mentioned in a earlier post and lets face it so called capitol punishment is legalized and sanctioned human sacrifice as well. To know the truth of our elites true face we are forced to go to fiction where in can be revealed in all it’s naked horror. Remember the manga-anime series Fullmetal Alchemist were perpetual wars were waged to create the philosopher stone by the elites of that world a fitting metaphor for this post.

  17. DanaThomas on May 5, 2017 at 11:29 am

    Due to the internet – and perhaps to a “change of consciousness” under way – the old-fashioned type of secrecy can no longer be maintained. So they have, not surprisingly, been trying to turn a threat into an opportunity by public messages – Basta mentioned some major examples – where the “blood ritual” aspect is obvious to all but the so-called major news outlets and their whiskey-swigging-coke-snorting adepts who pass off as journalists. And fake stories are being planted to discredit the real ones.
    The PTBs hope that their compartimentalized, multi-level lattice structure will prevent the top dogs from being exposed. But will extreme complexity coupled with extreme violence be enough to save them?

    • Phil the Thrill on May 5, 2017 at 12:21 pm

      “Change of consciousness”….as in, maybe, the kind brought about when one reads Alan Watts’ “The Book On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are”? I’ve recently read the whole Carlos Castaneda canon (oh, I can call it that if I want), and Don Juan told Carlos that the impeccable warrior maintains a “tension of the opposites”. I am beginning to think that perhaps, he meant (among other things) the balance between engaging with the spontaneity, variety, tragedy and comedy of life, while also understanding that, as fractals of Universe–or, sons and daughters of God–we create it all.
      I’ve only gotten through the first third of Watts’ book, but lemme tell ya….the other day, I was driving down the freeway and ruminating on his words….this idea that I do not end at my fingertips, but that “I” am actually a seamless part of the totality of Experience…and I suddenly went on a roller-coaster ride; the pit of my stomach pitched and yawed, I burst out laughing….I must have gone about 5 miles down the road in this inexplicably blissful state; I missed my exit. I don’t recall what process got me there, this place I am beginning to think of as the Synchronicity Factory. But in the midst of some sort of higher perception–maybe the kind Castaneda experienced, and which he said could not recall when he “reverted” to “normal” perception–I thought of a question that I could ask myself, to remind me of this feeling or experience. “What is ‘blue’?” Anyone who has read Watts’ book will understand how posing such a question to oneself might send oneself spinning off into ecstasy–without even having to do a tab!

      • DanaThomas on May 5, 2017 at 12:28 pm

        It’s not called a free-way for nothing…

      • Kahlypso on May 5, 2017 at 3:57 pm

        you started resonating – but please Phil.. next time.. not in the car.

        • Phil the Thrill on May 5, 2017 at 10:31 pm

          Ha ha ha! Ahem. As it happens…I was just driving my “wagon”–when I first met her, she told me her name was Submosheen, like Johnny Cash pronounces it in “One Piece At A Time” and “Delia”–and I recalled what I was thinking about on the freeway, that started my stomach flaps to flapping. At the end of “Tales Of Power”, Castaneda jumps off a cliff; Watts points out that the “I, myself” is a manifestation of Universe–which, for most of us, is experienced through the illusion that the I, myself is separate and distinct from its environment–and that death truly does not matter. And, I thought…I should go jump off a cliff!
          As to pedophiles and sacrifices and whatnot….surely, the illusion that I, myself, am in the universe of a separate and distinct God, can only lead to acting out the worst of atrocities in the futile currying of Nothing’s favor.

  18. Daryl Davis on May 5, 2017 at 9:11 am

    We’re often blind to parallels between human psychology and the behavior of animals. Dominance displays, which represent an integral aspect of gene propagation, pervade the animal kingdom. And the very symbol of dominance itself, the male lion, routinely practices “infanticide”, systematically killing any lion cubs extant in a newly-won pride.

    Should it really come as a surprise that those among us obsessed with family lineage and eugenics might also practice displays of extreme dominance? Even if they themselves explain such “inhuman” rituals as an obeisance to Satan, the older parallels to the animal world belie this attribution.

    They might more accurately be described as a subcategory of human — money-changer man, perhaps — whose neurotic genetic competitiveness millennia ago acquired a runaway impetus expressed through lethal monetary and military subversion of us ordinary homo sapien sapiens.

    But who’s more evolved? The lion or the lamb?

    • Kahlypso on May 5, 2017 at 4:03 pm

      The Lamb. We can track the lion back to prehistory. I havent found the sheep. Nice little walking wool factory that it is..

  19. Vomito Blanco on May 5, 2017 at 8:43 am

    Unfortunately when the pedophile inquisition commences, the inquisitors will be pedophiles or their lackeys and the witch hunt will sweep up mostly innocent victims and political/cultural opponents (with a few genuine sloppy expendable pedophiles thrown in to shock the tv audiences with the salacious details). And in typical elite fashion, they will turn lemons into lemonade by not only destroying the innocent and the righteous but they will turn the punishment of these inquisition patsies into a human sacrifice in itself with public executions no doubt.

    • Button on May 5, 2017 at 9:42 am

      Honey trap, honey dew, where are you?
      The colony’s collapsing, what shall we do?
      Queen of the hive, queen of the night.
      Unleash the mite!
      Paris and London and Europe call,
      Lord save us, help us, preserve our walls!
      Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!
      Screamed from a car.
      The Mohammedans are rapists!
      Help, Apiarist!

    • Robert Barricklow on May 5, 2017 at 6:50 pm

      Just as in the movie “Z”, about Greek military junta that were found guilty of assassination; then, the tables were turned on these superb investigators, who were subsequently found guilty by the freed military, now in control.
      Behind those puppet string manipulations were pedocrims , igorcrims, plutocrims, politcrims, and the whole circus of killer clowns that run these insane asylums.

      You got to hand them the Oscars for such charades…..
      when love left the stage…

      [I was going for a surreal juxtaposition; a cognitive dissonance disconnect – effect/affect]
      That’s how utterly incomprehensible/yet believable it is?

      • Robert Barricklow on May 5, 2017 at 6:56 pm

        It is the beginning of the song that hits it.
        With child’s born innocence
        born into a world gone 1/2 mad
        and behind the curtain
        unfathomable evil
        pulling the strings
        off stage.

  20. Kahlypso on May 5, 2017 at 7:03 am

    Oh Dr F. Well done. I see you are as disgusted with these vile creatures as we are. Not a day goes by on Community where someone doesnt find something about ‘Italien Food’ ‘Gate’. I can only say that you’re right. It went underground.

    • Kahlypso on May 5, 2017 at 7:04 am

      I’d say the best way to describe it is.. If you’re going to fight an enemy, make sure you know his weaknesses.
      But how do you prepare for a fight that you didnt even know existed.

      The bible states very clearly that sacrifice was going on.
      The first thing Abraham heard was. kill your son for me. It was simply human society at that time.
      (as was the fact that he was married to his sister, the guy was royalty and was
      clearly copying traditions passed down from the Sumerian Gods, as passed down through their own stories
      and poems.
      Based on their own history, the Moabites descended from Lot
      (escaped the nuclear blast on Sodom..Who were apparently a bit ‘loose’ on morals..remind you of anyone??)
      and then went into the hills with his 2 daughters and lo and behold the Moabites and
      Who were apparently a bit ‘loose’ on morals..remind you of anyone??) burnt babies to Moloch on the very place that Yahwah supposedly sacrificed his own son. Io Zeus…
      But lets look at our own history with our cohones in our hands and admit it. Human and child sacrifice happened all of the world. Lets not vilify anyone here.
      The Druids did it
      The Celts did it
      The Aztecs did it
      The Hindus did/do it
      The descendants of Palestine did it.. (what? they’re the only proved semetics left on earth, the zionists/Khazars
      probably did it through Europe during the middle ages as they kept getting run out of their host countries usually
      due to tales of killing christian childrenduring passover because they wanted the blood to make Matzah bread..
      Which has been stolen by Satanists into one of their rites..
      Wow.. check out the picture of Simon and put it against ‘Petit Gregory’co-incidence..

      ALL of this came about because of Skippy’s emails. No one had ever had THAT much evidence thrown in their faces before.
      They had been able to kill off anyone who had ‘proof’ and ridicule, marginalise and drive to depression and suicide anyone who managed to stumble across it.
      Think of all those banker ‘suicides’ we keep hearing about.. The last time Bankers jumped off buildings was in the 1930’s.

      You remember the UFO researcher who ended up with a ‘heart that was too big…’ with black liquid in his stomach.
      I said then, that the only liquid that turns black in the stomach is blood. This guy was killed by Theta wave assassins.
      We’ve found now that the CIA actually took up pyschics as a real thing. and its (Im not even bothering using past tense..)
      used extensively in MK..

      I havent gotten further back in time before the 20th yet. I’d say that this has become such a large scale industrial
      operation that FULLY exploits the US (and especially NATO) Military, Naval and Airfore ressources by going (large brushstrokes)
      Travistock Institute (named after a Nazi sympathiser Lord Travistock) gets interested in Psychology. These are the guys who seem to be interested in mass mind control.
      Pretty much every war put in place after that date is sold to the public through Travistock’s methods.
      Rockerfeller’s and the Royal Family (UK) (is this where the satanism comes in??) gives lots of money and Travistock Institute comes out.
      MK Ultra starts up with CIA director DULLES 1 month after he gets into power.. Sets up shop with Sidney Gottlieb.
      (At this point its just chemicals and poisons that interest them…but they’re ALREADY talking about ‘seeing potential enemy ressources.

      So they’re already thinking about telepathy? Where did this info come from? Translated tablets from Nippur? Iannanna’s stolen ME’s?
      So they start getting very interested in brain waves..and alternate personalities. and making satanic ritual abuse and worship part of MK Ultra.

      • Kahlypso on May 5, 2017 at 7:05 am

        So they’re already thinking about telepathy? Where did this info come from? Translated tablets from Nippur? Iannanna’s stolen ME’s?
        So they start getting very interested in brain waves..and alternate personalities. and making satanic ritual abuse and worship part of MK Ultra.

        Michael Aquino becomes Nazi sympathiser and sets up Church of Set.
        He (and possibly LeVay) put together the satanic imagery that they will use to program people..They probably use MK to proliferate satanic cults throughout US
        as the actual MK programming uses ritual as a means of control.

        So there we have it..
        Dulles gets into the CIA.. he’s invited lots of times to go to Bohemia Grove.

        From this point on, the military and CIA are completely compromised and the trafficking goes hell for leather.

        Why do they sacrifice?
        Ma Ka Bah
        Aleister Crowley’s writings and the Thelema religion (which as completely overrun the music and film industry,
        don’t confuse these guys with the big 12 family thing, this is pure egoism on an epic scale)telling them to in order to make
        their 2nd circle Rosicrusian rites work you need energy. You sacrifice a Ram when you need to invoke Mars, that kind of
        thing and he also wrote that the best sacrifice be a young boy who is intelligent..(Autistic children are really intelligent arent they?)
        (yep he stole them from the inside..they were not happy).

        Why so large scale?
        Have you ever eaten a cow’s liver? Have you ever eaten a calf’s liver?
        Not Sheeple. Cattle. These people like quality and the best of the best. How much organ trafficking do you need to do?
        How big a market is there?

        We’ve all seen the articles about Probiosis, about the rich’s ‘interest’ in young blood.

        I’ve come to the conclusion that these people are not doing it because they are being blackmailed by some nation somewhere.
        They’re doing it because they like it. It makes them happy. They want to do all these things becaus they really do feel energised by drinking blood.
        By eating organs.. (the fresher the better).; they really do believe that they are absorbing the vital energy of the sacrifice.
        Looking at ancient religions, I have to ask myself.. why did they keep on sacrificing for so long. How did they justify it?
        Because they saw things that worked? They felt the effects of drinking blood and took it as absorbing energy?
        Look at the primitive cannibal tribes, they ALL claim, that its to absorb the energy of their ennemies.
        There is an electrical force in the human body, its considered electrical. DNA conducts electricity.

    • Kahlypso on May 5, 2017 at 7:15 am

      I’d say the best way to describe it is.. If you’re going to fight an enemy, make sure you know his weaknesses.
      But how do you prepare for a fight that you didnt even know existed.

      The bible states very clearly that sacrifice was going on.
      The first thing Abraham heard was. kill your son for me. It was simply human society at that time.
      (as was the fact that he was married to his sister, the guy was royalty and was
      clearly copying traditions passed down from the Sumerian Gods, as passed down through their own stories
      and poems.
      Based on their own history, the Moabites descended from Lot
      (escaped the nuclear blast on Sodom..Who were apparently a bit ‘loose’ on morals..remind you of anyone??)
      and then went into the hills with his 2 daughters and lo and behold the Moabites and
      Who were apparently a bit ‘loose’ on morals..remind you of anyone??) burnt babies to Moloch on the very place that Yahwah supposedly sacrificed his own son. Io Zeus…
      But lets look at our own history with our cohones in our hands and admit it. Human and child sacrifice happened all of the world. Lets not vilify anyone here.
      The Druids did it
      The Celts did it
      The Aztecs did it
      The Hindus did/do it
      The descendants of Palestine did it.. (what? they’re the only proved semetics left on earth, the zionists/Khazars
      probably did it through Europe during the middle ages as they kept getting run out of their host countries usually
      due to tales of killing christian childrenduring passover because they wanted the blood to make Matzah bread..
      Which has been stolen by Satanists into one of their rites..
      Wow.. check out the picture of Simon and put it against ‘Pet it Gregory’co-incidence..

      ALL of this came about because of Skippy’s emails. No one had ever had THAT much evidence thrown in their faces before.
      They had been able to kill off anyone who had ‘proof’ and ridicule, marginalise and drive to depression and suicide anyone who managed to stumble across it.
      Think of all those banker ‘suicides’ we keep hearing about.. The last time Bankers jumped off buildings was in the 1930’s.

      You remember the UFO researcher who ended up with a ‘heart that was too big…’ with black liquid in his stomach.
      I said then, that the only liquid that turns black in the stomach is blood. This guy was killed by Theta wave assassins.
      We’ve found now that the CIA actually took up pyschics as a real thing. and its (Im not even bothering using past tense..)
      used extensively in MK..

      I havent gotten further back in time before the 20th yet. I’d say that this has become such a large scale industrial
      operation that FULLY exploits the US (and especially NATO) Military, Naval and Airfore ressources by going (large brushstrokes)
      Travistock Ins tiute (named after a Nazi sympathiser Lord Travistock) gets interested in Psychology. These are the guys who seem to be interested in mass mind control.
      Pretty much every war put in place after that date is sold to the public through Travistock’s methods.
      Rockerfeller’s and the Royal Family (UK) (is this where the satanism comes in??) gives lots of money and Travistock Inst itute comes out.
      MK Ultra starts up with CIA director DULLES 1 month after he gets into power.. Sets up shop with Sidney Gottlieb.
      (At this point its just chemicals and poisons that interest them…but they’re ALREADY talking about ‘seeing potential enemy ressources.

      So they’re already thinking about telepathy? Where did this info come from? Translated tablets from Nippur? Iannanna’s stolen ME’s?
      So they start getting very interested in brain waves..and alternate personalities. and making satanic ritual abuse and worship part of MK Ultra.

      Michael Aquino becomes Nazi sympathiser and sets up Church of Set.
      He (and possibly LeVay) put together the satanic imagery that they will use to program people..They probably use MK to proliferate satanic cults throughout US
      as the actual MK programming uses ritual as a means of control.

      So there we have it..
      Dulles gets into the CIA.. he’s invited lots of times to go to Bohemia Grove.

      From this point on, the military and CIA are completely compromised and the trafficking goes hell for leather.

      Why do they sacrifice?
      Ma Ka Bah
      Aleister Crowley’s writings and the Thelema religion (which as completely overrun the music and film industry,
      don’t confuse these guys with the big 12 family thing, this is pure egoism on an epic scale)telling them to in order to make
      their 2nd circle Rosicrusian rites work you need energy. You sacrifice a Ram when you need to invoke Mars, that kind of
      thing and he also wrote that the best sacrifice be a young boy who is intelligent..(Autistic children are really intelligent arent they?)
      (yep he stole them from the inside..they were not happy).

      Why so large scale?
      Have you ever eaten a cow’s liver? Have you ever eaten a calf’s liver?
      Not Sheeple. Cattle. These people like quality and the best of the best. How much organ trafficking do you need to do?
      How big a market is there?

      We’ve all seen the articles about Probiosis, about the rich’s ‘interest’ in young blood.

      I’ve come to the conclusion that these people are not doing it because they are being blackmailed by some nation somewhere.
      They’re doing it because they like it. It makes them happy. They want to do all these things becaus they really do feel energised by drinking blood.
      By eating organs.. (the fresher the better).; they really do believe that they are absorbing the vital energy of the sacrifice.
      Looking at ancient religions, I have to ask myself.. why did they keep on sacrificing for so long. How did they justify it?
      Because they saw things that worked? They felt the effects of drinking blood and took it as absorbing energy?
      Look at the primitive cannibal tribes, they ALL claim, that its to absorb the energy of their ennemies.
      There is an electrical force in the human body, its considered electrical. DNA conducts electricity.

  21. Sean McCann on May 5, 2017 at 6:43 am

    I’m linking a video from James Corbett of the Corbett Report discussing “why” this happens in political elite circles. Since you already know about the franklin coverup skip to the 40:00 mark. He begins a conversation with Dr. Tjeerd Andringa about how they can keep the kakistocracy full of people when psychopathy isn’t hereditary. How do you find people morally corrupt enough and also good at living a double life level of lie and then how do you make those evil people loyal to the order? Paedophiles are so evil and so undetectable, of coarse the new world order has a place for them…government! Not only are they able to be blackmailed they can be enticed. They can use it as the stick and the carrot. Totally evil, and it takes a strong mind to comprehend this kind of thought. Please give it a listen.

    Also here’s the page on Corbett’s website

  22. Tommi H on May 5, 2017 at 6:35 am
    Here is more proof of that same evil.

  23. basta on May 5, 2017 at 6:07 am

    It’s obvious that satanism and luciferianism are rampant in “elite” circles and the crucial mind-controlling professions, particularly in Hollywood and the music and entertainment industries. It’s blatantly being flaunted in our faces, from Jimmy Saville to J-M Doutroux in Belgium who, like the radical Islamists in Mohlenbeek, was being cultivated like a garden in the backyard of the EU and NATO headquarters. Coincidence? Hardly.

    I also recently saw the Dutch trader’s confession, and clearly he is telling the truth. Either that or move over Meryl Streep and cough up an Oscar or two, because if not that man is the greatest actor of our time.

    Just this past year, we’ve had the in-your-face luciferian opening ceremony for the Goddard rail tunnel, the leaked “fake” sacrifice caught on surveillance cameras at CERN, the appalling D-Day and WWI “ceremonies,” the project to place 1000 portal of Ba’al replicas throughout the world being publicized in the MSM and the BBC in particular (shelterers of that odious scum Saville) and hailed as a “cultural project” (doorways through which that dark god is supposed to enter, doubtless). And on and on.

    When not twerking and undressing, pop stars are doing endless satanic and masonic hand-signs in front of illuminati stage sets while they re-enact satanic rituals with writhing backup dancers. You have MK ultra and Monarch mind-control going mainstream, Britney Spears, Madonna, Beyonce, Katie Perry and Bob Dylan area ll caught on tape blurting out that they sold their souls to the devil to achieve success, and Beyonce and Perry have also confided that they are possessed by other beings when they perform. Beyonce has admitted her alter-ego even has a name, she is “Sasha Fierce,” and her pimp/husband has a Satanic clothing line selling hoodies with Alister Crowley’s church of Satan motto, “Do what thou whilst” emblazoned across the chest.

    Only the other day I was watching a new age presentation of the ancient Trypillian civilizatoin in Ukraine, which they dated 20-30,000 years earlier than the current 5-7000 years BC. A large henge predating Stonehenge was described in detail and excavations revealed that three bodies had been buried at the crucial observational points: two adults and a child at the center. The presenter breezed over this fact and went on about how advanced and wonderfully woo-woo this civilization was, and no one even blinked that they were doing blood sacrifices of children. Of course we all know this has been going on since the dawn of civilization, just as slavery has, but yet it is our so-called elites who are most enamored of both sacrifice and slavery. Pop science is currently trying to legitimize vampirism by promoting “studies” of the rejuvenating benefits of youthful blood from “donors” on aged bankers, err, I meant “patients.”

    • Kahlypso on May 5, 2017 at 7:39 am

      Perry is an MK puppet. Gaga as well.

      • LSM on May 5, 2017 at 2:14 pm

        no “s**t”!- so you’ve obviously been reading the same sources I have

    • LSM on May 5, 2017 at 2:24 pm

      “ust this past year, we’ve had the in-your-face luciferian opening ceremony for the Goddard rail tunnel, the leaked “fake” sacrifice caught on surveillance cameras at CERN, the appalling D-Day and WWI “ceremonies,” the project to place 1000 portal of Ba’al replicas throughout the world being publicized in the MSM and the BBC in particular (shelterers of that odious scum Saville) and hailed as a “cultural project” (doorways through which that dark god is supposed to enter, doubtless).”

      absolutely- this is just the tip of the iceberg-

      be well-

      Larry in Germany

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