Before I get started with today's blog, may I express that I am truly, deeply, saddened by the events in Las Vegas. I mean this not in the usual sort of "obligatory way" we have when expressing sadness and sympathy during such times, but rather because I am sad for the victims and their families and in a way even sadder because whatever one makes of the event itself, the saddest part of it is unfolding now, and that brings me to the curious expression in the title of this blog.

The title of this blog is "Be Inert! &c" and not "Be Alert! &c." We'll get back to the reasons for that in a few moments, for as one can imagine, it has a great deal to do with my high octane speculations for the day.

As most of you are probably aware by now, there's been another mass shooting, this time in Las Vegas. Sooner or later, I suspect, it was bound to happen, which is the first sad part of the story. That doesn't take away from the sadness of all those who have lost loved ones, but it is, I suspect, a sad testament to the sickness of the age and the truly sick, and for the most part genuinely diabolical people running it. We'll get back to that in due course as well.

As most people that are regular readers here are aware, normally I don't comment on events like Sandy Hook or the Boston Marathon bombing, or this most recent shooting. It's not for lack of thoughts on the matter, but rather because by the time I would say anything, everything that might be said about such things has been said by others. But this time around, I have to say something. For one thing, the pattern is becoming so predictable: first it was one shooter, then came the stories of witnesses seeing or hearing more than one; he shot from here, no, there was another shooter and he shot from there; then came the allegations of connections to jihadism, and, to make it really complete, alleged connections of the alleged shooter to Lockheed-Martin, and implicit in that, mind control &c &c. Oh, and let's not forget, this occurred as the shooter allegedly shot from a 32nd story window (the number giving the "masonic connection") in Las Vegas with its duplicates of Egypt (Luxor) and pyramids (more Masonic-occult connections).  For those really paying attention and connecting dots, there have been allegations about domain names (remember 9/11 and all those strange domain names before the event?) and questions about how so much information could come out so quickly, rather like the late Col. Fletcher Prouty's story about seeing Oswald identified as the alleged assassin of JFK in a newpaper in Christ Church, New Zealand, before he was identified as such by the Dallas police, along with the usual "lone nut assassin" theory, plus the "police shot him" vs the "he shot himself" theory.

Don't believe me? Well, here are just a few of the articles many people kindly sent to me(and thanks to all of you who did). Consider the previous paragraph a summary of what you'll find(unfortunately, once again I seem unable to embed links in this post, so you'll have to copy and paste):

What disturbs here is the fact that all of these initial stories appear to fit all of the patterns outlined above; we've seen all this before, and it appears that nothing much has changed except the venue and the alleged shooter. In fact, that's the problem, for it could indeed be a case of someone simply losing their mind and going nuts. It is the way this story is already being exploited that to me -  as I am quite certain it will also  be evident to most readers here - seems more suspicious than the story itself, and  that this exploitation is an "op" of some sort, though of what sort we don't really know, and of course, the perpetrators - if indeed there really are any beyond the alleged shooter, who was conveniently shot, or who conveniently shot himself - are once again able to scurry back into the darkness to plot more mayhem and murder. As a psyop and social engineering, it is, of course, classic, because the meme is planted that in addition to not being able to feel entirely safe sending your children to school, lest they might be shot, one now cannot enjoy a simple pastime like relaxing at a concert, or enjoying a friendly discussion with the other players and dealer at a blackjack table, in Las Vegas. as a friend of mine suggested, a hidden meme might be "Why go all the way to Vegas... come to Macau!" Bottom line: you're not safe anywhere, a former Lockheed-Martin cum recently-converted jihadist cum lone-nut assassin might get you (granting, of course, that describing a jihadist as a nut is a bit of a redundancy).

Now, there's no doubt in my mind that the pattern(s) of exploitation is, or are, really there, and that it (or they) serves (or serve) the purpose of social engineering, even if only the rather obvious one of "breaking down society" and giving the Demorats and Republithugs yet another talking point in favor of grabbing everyone's guns (note the alleged cache of alleged weapons allegedly found with the alleged shooter who allegedly conveniently shot himself, or allegedly was shot by the police). Confused? You should be. That, too, is part of the objective: obfuscate things so madly and badly that paralysis sets in.

Which brings me to my "Be Inert" in the title of this blog. Shortly after the assassination of President Kennedy, former President Eisenhower was queried by reporters about what he thought of the whole thing. I remember seeing this as a boy, and with a little hunting, one can find this interview(if nothing else, in the documentary Evidence of Revision). Eisenhower's response is nothing less than a stunner. For the few seconds he is on camera, he appears nervous, anxious, and under pressure in a way that one would not expect from the General commanding all western Allied forces from D-Day to the German capitulation. But what he says is truly amazing: he says, over and over, that the American people will "not be stampeded." Over and over, almost as if he is stating, not a fact, but a mise en garde, a warning, and caution, not to be stampeded into "recommended actions" nor to adopt "narratives." His words perhaps conjure the possibility that what was uppermost in his mind was that the assassination would be used to do precisely that, and perhaps by pointing out the possibility, he prevented "something" which only he knew, or suspected. Even Lyndon Johnson had moments of uncharacteristic honesty when he let slip, during the period of the Warren Commission, that he was fearful of possible confrontation with the Soviet Union as a result of this, and I strongly suspect that he too viewed it as being an "exploitable crisis of opportunity". Coming from someone who in my estimation was involved at some level in it, the admission is quite a stunner.

I suggest here that the response be the same: be inert; do not be stampeded. Question everything, because like all crises  for the powers that be this is a crisis of opportunity. "Recommended actions" will follow as certain people reveal themselves for what they really are(some already have in respect to this event). Expect the usual parade of names recommending the usual things(some, once again, already have). But be inert. Being inert is not the same as being paralyzed. It is simply the refusal to move, or budge, or to become overly distracted by something possibly meant not only to paralyze and confuse, but to distract.  It does not mean ignore it; it does not mean blow it out of proportion. It does not mean jumping on the bandwagon of "recommended actions" that we'll now hear from our corrupted "leaders." It does not mean dismissing conspiracy theories or analysis of peculiar details. It does not mean by the same token rushing into them. It means calmly digging and finding the truth while not budging one inch to the spin and narratives and recommended actions. Be inert, and resist the politicization of every aspect of life in the modern USSA.

See you on the flip side...









Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. rich overholt on October 14, 2017 at 4:35 pm

    “The first casualty of war is the truth.”

  2. Vornigold on October 6, 2017 at 8:20 am

    Oh, don’t you worry Doctor, being inert is the only thing u.s. citizens have done for a century while that “mysterious” cabal runs their game across the globe!

    Lacking the ability and strength to move, indeed.

    Get out of there while the getting is good. Return (maybe) when the dust settles.

  3. goshawks on October 6, 2017 at 2:01 am

    ZDB, what likely got you modded was “consti tuencies”. Any word with ti t within it gets modded – including, ironically, Consti tution…
    (showing Inepti tude by Nonenti ties through Plenti tude of Repeti tion ) t/

    • zendogbreath on October 7, 2017 at 12:14 am

      Nice. Thanku g. Will keep it in mind. Our werk arounds tell alot about us.

  4. zendogbreath on October 6, 2017 at 12:07 am

    as mentioned on other pages of doc’s:
    Eerie Predictions in Vegas… Cui Bono?

    i’m hearing folk who’ve made fun of conspiracy theorists for years make statements the last few days along the lines of
    “obviously it’s the government doing this to us. nobody else is capable….”
    this from working poor as well as well off employed folk.

    from people who haven’t even looked into the details that have and are falling apart. people who haven’t even heard of gladio or false flags against blamed on the red brigade,….

    • zendogbreath on October 6, 2017 at 12:17 am

      and yep, almost everyone has heard full auto fire in war zones on youtube vids now. clearly that was a war zone for quite awhile. and everyone within earshot with or without experience shoulda woulda coulda recognized that clearly.

      the psyop does take some twists in this process. dan bilzerian (twitter boy) was with his girlfriend as she got shot in the face? bet on it he’s going to be on joe rogan’s podcast again and they’ll rant about what this country’s coming to. and they’ll rant about how heinous anyone who doubts sandy hook is – even and especially joe rogan’s close friend alex jones.

      it all gets weirder and weirder. not just the level and nature of false flags but the ridiculous directions the psyops feel like they’re intended to push the sheeple. that seems to argue more for what doc’s said about be inert. the variety of version pushed are more and more ridiculous in the number of directions they go as well as the crazy nature of the directions – almost like they’re intended to get as many different factions of people believing as many implausible and markedly different versions as possible.

      which is ironic given that the vast majority of the many different demographics and cultural constituencies i see and work with daily all have one thing in common. they’re not buying this and see no reason to get mad at anyone except the media and the wealthy power maniac shadow govts that do this.

      wonder what they’ll all think when this pushes them to learn their history here and abroad and how govt’s have consistently done this to their own and each other’s populations going back through all history. it’s not that hard to learn more accurate versions of history any more. and getting easier daily inspite of the increased efforts at censoring the web.

      • zendogbreath on October 6, 2017 at 12:18 am

        yep one mod is enough for the night. clear sign doc and dan had enough of me tonight. sleep well all and see ya when we can. zdb

        • zendogbreath on October 6, 2017 at 12:24 am

          getting past the mod?

          and yep, almost everyone has heard full auto fire in war zones on yt vids now. clearly that was a war zone for quite awhile. and everyone within earshot with or without experience shoulda woulda coulda recognized that.

          the psyop does take some twists in this process. dan bilzerian (twitter boy) was with his girlfriend as she got shot in the face? bet on it he’s going to be on joe rogan’s podcast again and they’ll rant about what this country’s coming to. and they’ll rant about how heinous anyone who doubts sandy hook is – even and especially joe rogan’s close friend alex jones.

          it all gets weirder and weirder. not just the level and nature of false flags but the ridiculous directions the psyops feel like they’re intended to push the sheeple. that seems to argue more for what doc’s said about be inert. the variety of version pushed are more and more ridiculous in the number of directions they go as well as the crazy nature of the directions – almost like they’re intended to get as many different factions of people believing as many implausible and markedly different versions as possible.

          which is ironic given that the vast majority of the many different demographics and cultural constituencies i see and work with daily all have one thing in common. they’re not buying this and see no reason to get mad at anyone except the media and the wealthy power maniac shadow govts that do this.

          wonder what they’ll all think when this pushes them to learn their history here and abroad and how govt’s have consistently done this to their own and each other’s populations going back through all history. it’s not that hard to learn more accurate versions of history any more. and getting easier daily inspite of the increased efforts at censoring the web.

          • zendogbreath on October 6, 2017 at 12:24 am

            nope. not getting past the mod on that second attempt.

          • zendogbreath on October 6, 2017 at 12:28 am

            perhaps the mod will let that comment out later. meanwhile a thought as recurred for a few weeks now. and is developing into other possibilities.

            childhood’s end. sure mankind gets to see a glimpse of their keepers and it turns out they are identical to mankind’s worst nightmare, “the dev-eeel.” for most intents and purposes that’s the meme directly and indirectly being pushed on sheeple and more aware folk all over. it’s that tptb are the dev-eeel and there’s nothing you can do about it so take your pcs of gold for complying with the dev-eeel and feel complicit and shut up.

          • zendogbreath on October 6, 2017 at 12:32 am

            in the scenario we’re in though, this dev-eeel is writing the programming script to a different audience (than us). who and how are these legends and the likely eventual if not sooner more accurate versions of them going to get taken apart by?

            just taking a look at eugenicists and their work with vaccines and their revisionary histories and current info wars is another case in point on how they repeated work this system. and how it eventually comes apart. how much memory do they gotta erase with their periodic bankster world wars to get their legends to stick well enough?

  5. Nathan on October 5, 2017 at 9:22 pm

    I do hope the sleeping masses wake up from this pay-op the main stream story is just ridiculous

  6. goshawks on October 5, 2017 at 9:00 pm

    My first ‘alma mater’ was Virginia Tech. I took classes exactly where the shooter was killing students. I even went over those student bios, to see what incredible potential was lost. So, this is not my first go-around with these feelings…

    First, Jim St0ne is all-over the Las Vegas ‘op’. ( The MSM story is already seriously falling-apart.

    Second, I think we may have reached a turning-point with the sheeple via this ‘event’. There has been a ‘seepage’ since JFK/RFK/MLK and 9/11 of ‘something’s fishy’ into the minds of even the most asleep or cowardly. Even the MSM polls show a steady slip over the decades into ‘conspiracy thinking’. We are probably at a Critical Mass by now…

    Ironically, going-after a country-music concert (the audience) may have been the most stupid choice. Hit-up a rock-and-roll concert and the mainstream will shift uncomfortably. Hit-up a punk-rock concert and the mainstream will yawn. But hit-up a country-music concert, and the sheeple-mainstream will sit-up and start thinking. Oops.

    Collective-consciousness is powerful (including psychically). The PTB may have miscalculated the ‘blowback’ on this one…

    • Kahlypso on October 6, 2017 at 4:50 am

      no they wont.. they’ll scream this cant be happening.. then nothing will happen. No one will be brought to justice to answer for their crimes. (that’s Mindwar working)
      I’m guessing that MK PATSY is being activated to enforce Tavistock’s recommendations on dealing with the herd.

      • goshawks on October 6, 2017 at 5:42 am

        Kahlypso, I was speaking ‘deeper’ than MSM propaganda. On the surface, they will win. But going deeper, doubts will increasingly fester in the sheeple. Personally, I believe the latter has a power of its own. Think of it as the Hundredth Monkey phenomena, applied to groupthink. When the ‘enlightenment’ happens, it may be quick and widespread…

  7. Robert Barricklow on October 5, 2017 at 5:52 pm

    There are some sick die-hard psy-op’s apparatchiks along w/mirrored die-hard sheeple who are the target of these operations. Defuse the dumbed-down sheeple and these ops are rendered obsolete. I don’t know which sickens me more; the die-hard believers or their illusionist masters of deception. What makes it ever more despicable are those media collaborators that lay down for their masters to usurp their fellow citizen’s liberties & rights.

  8. Louise on October 5, 2017 at 5:11 pm

    I know nothing about weapens, but schould the floor of the hotelroom not be full of shell casings? I only see weapens?

  9. Jon on October 5, 2017 at 2:26 pm

    How did he get full auto weapons? The few guns we have seen in pictures (some of which were moved to different spots for different pictures) would not have been capable of the sustained full auto fire we hear on the videos.

    In fact, if one listens very carefully, it is quite clear that there were two fully auto guns firing at the same time. This, along with the total lack of muzzle flashes from the “alleged” windows, makes it clear there were at least two shooters who were trained and experienced in using full auto guns. They are not easy to shoot, not to control. Health Ranger and ZeroHedge are keeping a good eye on these things.

    I think this might finally be the event that unravels the false flag narrative, especially if people are calm and reasoned in their assessment, and push to investigate all those who seek to capitalize on the event. Those who scream the loudest for “change” are the most likely to be involved. Cui bono . . . .

    It is important that we all project (pray, meditate) that the light of truth will break through on this event, and that it will indeed change things, although not in the way the perpetrators had hoped. It is important that we usurp the psychic energy unleashed by this event and turn it around on the perps.

    I heartily agree with JPF – it is most vital that we NOT be stampeded. The less we allow these kind of events to push society in various directions, the less likely they are to keep happening.

    • goshawks on October 5, 2017 at 8:36 pm

      Jon, thanks for bringing-in the ‘psychic’ aspect (focused-chi, third-eye intent, etc.) – this may be the most important, in the long term. “Be Inert” covers this, too…

    • zendogbreath on October 6, 2017 at 12:02 am

      yep. good point. hegellian brats are starting to look overconfident.

  10. davidmflatley on October 5, 2017 at 1:30 pm

    Photos from the Middle East and Antifa literature ”found” in his room on the 32nd floor. Videos of him at Anti-Trump rally are also available, we are told.

  11. Phil the Thrill on October 5, 2017 at 11:22 am

    The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it is profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the chairs and tables out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.
    –Sheik Yerbouti

    • zendogbreath on October 7, 2017 at 12:24 am

      I thought that was frank zappa who said that. Who is yerbouti?

  12. LGL on October 5, 2017 at 10:26 am


    Image evoked by that command: the Buddha touching the earth mudra

  13. Aridzonan_13 on October 5, 2017 at 9:35 am

    The LVPD Police response was molasses slow at best. LVPD is one of the most militarized in the nation. Hmm, no helicopter gunship or APCs appeared during this prolonged and deadly event.? I believe the Chief of LVPD said it took them 12 mins. to get to the seen. So, there were no PD / SD at this large country music event? Again, hmmm? I’m also flabbergasted by the lack of home grown video that should have captured sustained muzzle flashes coming from the 32nd floor. Automatic weapon’s fire lights up the shooter like a Xmas tree. Any LEA type with an M-16 variant should have been able to put rounds on the illuminated 32nd floor shooter in under 6 mins. Especially, if they were on event security..

    • Aridzonan_13 on October 5, 2017 at 10:55 am

      Correction.. “get to the scene”..

    • Don B on October 5, 2017 at 11:59 am

      32nd Floor? Yeah sure. Just another distraction to get the internet anti- masons going to throw into the mix. The masons (real ones) and the Templars are the good guys and you’ll find out someday. They are the only ones that can push back the muslims again. Keep falling for the internet disinfo folks. db

      • Nathan on October 5, 2017 at 9:21 pm

        I think the so called Muslims and these people are all in the same bandwagon luciferians all of them

      • Nathan on October 5, 2017 at 9:24 pm

        Also where are the “real masons”?

    • OrigensChild on October 5, 2017 at 12:35 pm

      I watched several videos, one in particular taken from a cab cam, that demonstrated clear high caliber, high speed automatic gunfire from the lower floors, but as of yet, none from the so-called “snipers” nest. The only body cam footage we are allowed to see is that supporting the legend rather than the “operation”. This is consistent with what I saw during the 9/11 event in NYC. If the local news is addressing anomalous evidence that is being ignored by the national news you are seeing a legend created–and that corresponds to the occult theater that may be woven around this event.

    • OrigensChild on October 5, 2017 at 3:27 pm

      One more thing, in support of what Dr. Farrell has said with respect to dead, I’m not sure whether watching any coverage from the MSM says much. Some shows, like Ancient Aliens series, is best viewed with the broadcast muted. This way you get the full impact of the images used to get a sense of how incomplete our historical narrative truly is without the social engineering in favor of a UFO cult. With this story I’m not sure if even that has any genuine value. In the former you see anomalous evidence in favor of a serious review of the narrative. In the latter you see only the images they want to provide that support the legend they are creating. Our only hope to understand this event is to bypass the coverage.

      Having said this, I have noticed that Faux News Channel has been slowly breaking away from this story because some of the commentators are questioning aspects of the narrative that make the legend builders nervous. Having heard a couple of commentators asking these questions, I can almost hear the legend builders whisper among themselves, “We cannot have our allies questioning significant sections of our narrative can we? It’s not good for the legend, not good for our military contracts and local economic growth potential, and we don’t want to draw undue attention to their questions.” If we have any interest in the official story, then THAT DISCONNECT of some allies IS the story to watch. It, too, may be social engineering to try to bring us back into the fold for rating purposes only.

      • zendogbreath on October 5, 2017 at 11:58 pm

        may is a weak word. too weak. this is too obvious to use such weak words.

  14. basta on October 5, 2017 at 6:03 am

    I think this one may just well unravel; it looks like the bridge too far. And it is way too sloppy, and too many of the peeps are awake and aware. Too many on the internet tubes, actually able to add 2 and 2 together and come up with 4 as the answer. Drudge has posted several headbar articles calling bs on the narrative and the comments sections of whatever video you see are chock full of indignant disbelief, rage at the whole lying lot of these ops going all the way back to OKC and WTC ’93, and dot-connecting worthy of this very forum. The people are waking up to this and are incredibly angry.

    Also, watch the Las Vegas police chief’s interview, just released. In it he states in no uncertain terms that there were multiple shooters, that the lone gunman narrative is ridiculous and that the guy would have to have “super powers” to carry it off. He also states that after all the similar events of the past few years (i.e., all the false flag gun-grab shooter ops), this event demands close investigation — and by what he leaves unstated, a high dose of skepticism. He is not with the program, and I fear for this man’s life.

    • basta on October 5, 2017 at 6:11 am

      Correction: he does not state multiple shooters, but he does state that he did not /could not act alone.

      Also, since 9/11 I have thought that these ops work on two levels, the first level is the prepackaged narrative and the shock value that play on the gullible masses who buy both. The second level is the message to those smart enough to see through the claptrap and realize the event was entirely manufactured. Those people get the warning that “Look what we can do with total impunity, and get away with it. So you better shut up and keep your head down, smart guy.”

      • zendogbreath on October 5, 2017 at 11:55 pm

        good points all

  15. WalkingDead on October 5, 2017 at 5:48 am

    Prayers for those who lost loved ones, if indeed there were any.
    It would seem that the USSA’s exporting of color revolutions and terrorism have come home to roost. The push to disarm Americans and what naturally follows, as history so often reveals, has become all too obvious and the scripted nature of such events has become almost boring except for the evil and sadness which they generate.
    This is the reason for the second amendment. It’s time to defend our nation from its domestic enemies.

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