It's been a while since I've ranted about the dubious doings of the Diabolically Apocalyptic Research Projects Agency (our nickname, courtesy of a suggestion by Mr. J.B., for DARPA, the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency), or the monstrous machinations of Mon(ster)santo, or vilified the vaccinatory frabrications of big Pharma, and indeed, I thought I had "heard it all", that we were at the ne plus ultra of the goofy games of globaloney and worldwide surveillance and police state. We've seen the "bathroom" sexcapade, the No-longer-Lutheran-"church"-of-Sweden banning any "sexist" terms like "Lord" or "Father," the Catholic Church in some countries having to dispense with asking questions on applications about one's "mother" or "father"... I swear, we need a "Just When You Think You've Heard It All" or a "Science and Technology Run Amok" category on this website for stories like this one, sent by Mr. C.S.  (you'll have to copy and paste this link into your browser):


And yes, all this genetic modification of plants for "remote sensing of the environment" is the brainchild of DARPA:

Genetically modified plants could be employed as self-sustaining sensors to gather information in settings unsuitable for more traditional technologies.

The Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which is responsible for the development of emerging technologies in the US military, has called for scientists to submit ideas for how to harness the power of plants.

In the past, DARPA has produced information-gathering technologies such as the satellites and seismographs employed to ensure Soviet compliance with the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.

But in this new initiative, termed the Advanced Plant Technologies (APT) programme, the agency is looking to the natural world for help.

“Plants are highly attuned to their environments and naturally manifest physiological responses to basic stimuli such as light and temperature, but also in some cases to touch, chemicals, pests and pathogens,” said Dr Blake Bextine, the manager of the ATP programme.

“Emerging molecular and modelling techniques may make it possible to reprogramme these detection and reporting capabilities for a wide range of stimuli, which would not only open up new intelligence streams, but also reduce the personnel risks and costs associated with traditional sensors,” said Dr Bextine.

And of course, if DAPRA is behind it, one can just bet that IG Farbensanto, DuPonzanto, and all the big ugly agribusiness companies will be chomping at the bit to become "defense contractors" and hence secure, not only their position, but to seal the GMO agenda; GMOs will become "essential to the national security". And we'll hear all the usual arguments: it's all perfectly safe; there's no long term danger to the environment, no threat to the human food supply, you have nothing to worry about so long as you're thinking the acceptable thoughts, &c &c &c...

Now of course, we're a long way from your azaleas or violets or Swedish Ivies reporting back to No-Longer-Lutheran headquarters on your recalcitrant refusal to use "gender neutral" language, but patience, "we're getting there," for in addition to your "smart homes" and "smart appliances" reporting on your electricity usage, we can now "build in redundancy" and have your house plants doing it. Absurd? Well, in a world that recently saw the advent of "the smart pill" which reports to doctors whether or not their patients are taking their medicine on time and in the correct dose, I'm hot hedging my bets.

Seriously, folks, you can't dream this stuff up. And think about it: there are people who get paid to sit around and dream up this stuff: How can we screw up the world even more? Ruin the food supply? Spy on everyone in a variety of bizarre ways?

So, today, I'm foregoing my usual "high octane speculation" to address this personal plea to Dr. Fu Manchu, wherever you are: could you please take all that personal wealth and scientific genius, and genetically engineer some bugs that would consume only genetically engineered crops, while at the same time reporting back to the rest of us on the machinations of these screwball nutcases that occupy the corporate cabals and black projects world? Yes, that's right: I want a bug (insect) that's also a bug (eavesdropping device... and yes, I know folks, insects have been proposed by the Clowns In America as yet another new surveillance technology).  Get back to us on that as quickly as you can...

I mean, c'mon guys, plants as "intelligence streams" !?!?

Ok... now we can all sigh deeply in frustration...

See you on the flip side...


Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. Kahlypso on November 30, 2017 at 4:55 am

    I was thinking.. but how do they send the info back to DERP-ah?
    Then I remembered.. its been proven recently that trees communicate with each other via their roots..
    this goes into the ‘Google Box’ category for me..

  2. Robert Barricklow on November 29, 2017 at 8:19 pm

    This fits into “their” wired earth concept-
    where life slowly dissolves into a hellish inhumane wired-hell on Earth
    Terminate “their” closed-mindset, for “our” living earth/the “real” wealth[economy].
    Forget the patented Hive-Jive corporatized song & dance
    and simply live high on life.
    This is the legacy to carry-on toward the stars & beyond:
    A love of life.

  3. Robert Barricklow on November 29, 2017 at 8:03 pm

    Some alchemy has already happened to the close-minded zealots employing technologies to suit their insect mindset; looking to engineer the hive[99%’ers/aka slaves] to their patented closed-circuit frequencies. Naturally “they” want to engineer these corporately-closed technologies under their they antennae-wave jurisdictions in either plant form, animal form, or mineralized form[robots]; or, combination/mixtures thereof.
    Whatever dimensions are manufacturing/enveloping these slave-master alchemies in human form, need the become breeched by a paradigm shift: open living systems replacing, en masse, closed-corporatized-robotic systems. manifested in their “control-freak mindsets. An open mindset that lives/shares/loves/gives instead of the selfish-take-destroy life closed systems seeded by the cosmic looser

    • Robert Barricklow on November 29, 2017 at 11:02 pm

      The corporate money-bot making life?
      Give me “Real Life/Love”….
      or else…
      Forget About It!


      • Robert Barricklow on November 29, 2017 at 11:07 pm

        • Robert Barricklow on November 29, 2017 at 11:10 pm

          Closed systems
          Now where have I encountered that before?
          [above was to be a Smooth music video from Santana]

  4. LSM on November 29, 2017 at 3:06 pm

    but it is true that plants are very cognizant (common, mind is not local in our pea brains); just read the 70’s book “The Secret Life of Plants” or the fairly recent “The Secret Life of Trees” written by German forrester Peter Wohlleben (available in English) in which he states (among many things) that older trees will actually nuture younger ones, some don’t get along with their neighbors and some will actually warn other trees (through scent which we can’t smell) about a vermin attacking them so the other trees will actually very quickly (in our sense of time) adapt their sap to ward off invaders- fascinating book- read it-

    everything else is being manipulated so I think we can throw in plants as well; probably yet in the baby-step stages of devolopement but, hell, why not?-

    we’re living in a crazy world-

    be well all-

    Larry in Germany

  5. basta on November 29, 2017 at 5:06 am

    “Genetically modified plants could be employed as self-sustaining sensors to gather information in settings unsuitable for more traditional technologies.

    The Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which is responsible for the development of emerging technologies in the US military, has called for scientists to submit ideas for how to harness the power of plants.”

    As if you needed any further proof that the Pentagram is drowning in cash.

  6. goshawks on November 28, 2017 at 6:49 pm

    I heard the rumor that Gaia is p1ssed…

  7. OrigensChild on November 28, 2017 at 12:18 pm

    In its drive to weaponize everything DARPA will eventually entertain plans to look at the universe as a potential threat and attempt to develop counter measures against it. Regardless of which civilization scale you choose, DARPA sincerely believes weapon design affords the best broad potential for the advancement of technology while harvesting all resources beneath its control. Yet with each step taken DARPA betrays it’s zombie-like hunger to feed on the essence of all living systems. DARPA’s enemy is life–for anywhere life exists there is a desire toward self-determination, self-existence, sentience. By declaring war against the very essence for which this universe exists they have become the victims of their own demise. The only reason they still live is they have not yet completed their task. Once their purpose is fulfilled they will die. Lucifer lords over the dead, and, like their father, the dead hate the living.

    • BlueWren on November 28, 2017 at 7:07 pm

      Well said! I sadly concur. This morning I read our Australian news with a very heavy heart. The Labor Part in opposition, have slammed any hope that parents will have the right to remove their children from classes that teach same sex marriage and the horrifying safe school programme. The aggressive push against Nature is tremendous and very very evil.

  8. WalkingDead on November 28, 2017 at 9:18 am

    We’ll get to those “locusts with stings like scorpions” and plagues yet in their “engineering” and “staging” of the “Apocalypse” in order for people to accept their “New World Odor”. You “must” have these things along with your 5G IOT/insect/plant/animal/see something, say something total surveillance, cashless economy, Agenda 2030 human habitation zones, total control of water and “substantially equivalent food”, substantial population reduction via planned genocide and world wars, etc.

    What you believe is irrelevant, it’s what “they” believe that counts; and “they” believe “they” have been “chosen” to rule the earth by hook or by crook.

  9. DanaThomas on November 28, 2017 at 7:28 am

    He who lives by the GMO plant shall die by the GMO plant.

  10. anakephalaiosis on November 28, 2017 at 5:26 am

    Alexa… do want more water? Or do you want to return to Amazon?

    • BlueWren on November 28, 2017 at 7:08 pm

      Can we ever return to Amazon?

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