Many people sent me versions of this story, and in an odd bit of "synchronicity", when I read one of those versions, my first thought was the movie Splice, and lo and behold, as more and more versions of the story came into my inbox, other versions of the story also mentioned the movie. Many thanks to all of you who brought this story to my attention.

For those of you who have not seen Splice, it's a science fiction movie in the "Frankenstein" mold, but with a twist, for rather than mad scientists trying to create life, they are, as the movie's title suggests, trying to splice two different life forms together via the latest techniques in genetic engineering, in this case, human and "something else," we're never sure exactly what. The mad scientists in this case work for a company named NERD (Nucleonic Exchange Research and Development), which impresses one as being the "biology-genetics" wing of C.S. Lewis's NICE, the DARPA-esque government agency from That Hideous Strength, and standing for the National Institute for Coordinated Experiments. The movie lurches through a variety of overblown scenes, including bows to transgenderism and the alchemical androgyne, as the human-animal hybrid Dren (named for the company NERD, spelled backwards) becomes carnivorous, changes sexes, and develops... well, a temper.

Thus far, of course, Splice-like scenarios have remained the realm of science fiction, as scientists and governments have been reluctant to allow such human-animal (or plant!) hybrids to "come to term," but now, according to this story, Japan has lifted the lid on that Pandora's box:

Japan Approves Groundbreaking Experiment Bringing Human-Animal Hybrids to Term

Now, regular readers of this website will know how well such genetic engineering worked in the case of GMO foods, just imagine how well it will work for human-animal hybrids.

But what's the purpose of this "grand" experiment? According to this version of the story, it's simple:

Stem cell biologist Hiromitsu Nakauchi has been waiting for this moment for more than a decade.

After years of planning, the persistent researcher has at last received approval from a government willing to pursue one of the most controversial scientific studies there is: human-animal embryo experiments.

While many countries around the world have restricted, defunded or outright banned these ethically-fraught practices, Japan has now officially lifted the lid on this proverbial Pandora's box. Earlier this year, the country made it legal to not only transplant hybrid embryos into surrogate animals, but also to bring them to term.

As a lead stem cell researcher at the University of Tokyo and Stanford University, Nakauchi has gone from country to country, chasing his dream of one day growing customised human organs in animals like sheep or pigs.

With more than 116,000 patients on the transplant waiting list in the United States alone, Nakauchi hopes his idea can transform lives.

That ultimate goal is still a long way off, but the next step in his research has at last been given the green light by ministry officials in Japan. As the first researcher to receive government approval since the 2014 ban, Nakauchi plans on taking things slowly so that public understanding and trust can catch up.

"We don't expect to create human organs immediately, but this allows us to advance our research based upon the know-how we have gained up to this point," Nakauchi told The Asahi Shimbun.

The experiments will start by injecting human induced pluripotent stem cells into rat and mice embryos, all of which have been genetically manipulated so that they cannot make pancreases.

There you have it, it's all being done to "help" people by growing replacement organs in animals using stem cells, stems cells which, at least at present, sometimes come from aborted (that is to say, murdered) human foetuses (that is to say, babies).

What could possibly go wrong?

Well, I can think of at least one thing, and herewith my high octane speculation of the day. Suppose, for a moment, you're Seward de Rottenchild, Lord Bloviate, or David Allrich Rockefailure. You're super-rich, a never-satisfied amoral busybody, and you enjoy busybodying so much that you want to do it for ever and ever. There's just one problem, your heart is wearing out, and you need a new one.  Enter the hybrid-splicing technique courtesy of the mad scientists of the NERD division of NICE, who take some cell samples from you, splice in a bit of stem cells from an aborted foetus, and they grow you a little hupigman, carry it to term, kill it (avoiding the thorny question of its possible sentience, consciousness, personhood and so on), harvest the heart, and transplant it in you. Voila! Problem solved. The same can be done with many other wearing-out organs, which will allow you to carry on busybodying to your - pardon the pun - heart's content. Assuming you don't have all sorts tissue rejection issues, the way forward is sunny and bright.

Until, that is, you attend your next secret meeting of BBHECCPCS (Billionaire Busybodies for Hope and Effective Climate Change, Population Control, and Sustainability) at Big Sur. Shortly after exchanging secret handshakes and performing your cremation of care ritual mock(?) sacrifice, to the consternation of the other invited guests, you're seen wallowing naked in the mud, nose to the ground, sniffing for truffles to eat. The other guests mutter to themselves that you haven't quite been yourself since the last transplant of your special pig-grown replacement heart (or other organ). Some other astute billionaire busybody points out that such behavior, while odd for humans, is entirely typical for pigs. The gloomy silence is broken when yet another billionaire busybody jokes that there really isn't much difference between billionaire busybodies and pigs anyway, so let him have his fun. Everyone has a good chortle, and the Secret Meeting continues with discussions about What To Do About Russia and Putin.

It sounds silly, I know, and it's to a point, for there's another issue these mad scientists are missing, besides the tissue rejection issue, and that's genetic memory. Experiments in mice which have had human brain cells spliced into them have already shown that they learn and retain memory much faster than ordinary mice. In other words, there's a psychological and neurological effect to all of this. Indeed, some transplant patients who have received donor organs - hearts and kidneys being the most typical - have reported having memories that are not their own, but those of their donors. Genetic memory, in other words, seems to this author to be quite real, and with it, and with the splicing of human and animal genes, some of that genetic memory could be quite bestial in nature, and the behavior of "Dren" from Splice comes a step closer to reality.

See you on the flip side...



Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. Pierre on August 4, 2019 at 10:26 pm

    My first thought is that they are preparing the media lies to cover up for the real Fukushima fallout, the children of those who were born after it, or preteen, who will have real monsters, just like the final scene of the British telemovie Threads (1984?).

    “oh, all these monsters are because we made a mistake with the new far out GMO food supply. you are what you eat, you little piggies, you!”

    speaking of lies, Huuugggeee radiation release in Europe compared to the mere Xray that people have got from Fuku. Specifics about what was tested, measured or compared are as rare as hens teeth, though those might be coming soon to a dentist near you.
    Wonder if they find the empathy gene soon after the God particle will that mean, if found in an individual, a ticket to the looney bin like anti-Semi-Vegemite-ism in Soviet Russia?

  2. SpaceWombat on August 3, 2019 at 2:58 am

    • zendogbreath on August 3, 2019 at 3:45 pm

      as long as we are not discussing banksters and plundered pension funds er entitlements. or wait. isn’t that what we are talking about? so if there is a malaria risk it’s ok to stop banksters sucking blood?

  3. Westcoaster on August 2, 2019 at 7:24 pm

    So what happens when a pilot receives a heart grown in a pig?
    Guess that’ll be “When pigs fly” come to fruition!

  4. Loxie Lou Davie on August 2, 2019 at 1:18 pm

    How about the underground base at Dulce??? This stuff has been going on since at least before WW II.

    Some of our “cousins” may have stepped in to readjust what is going on here on this tiny planet!! 😉 Makes sense to me!!!

  5. Richard on August 1, 2019 at 9:41 pm

    Japan’s demographics have been disrupted from a strategic frame of reference by Fukushima effects, among several social changes, of which most there do not talk about it much. There is the rationale that animals are used / were used in place of human testing of various products for humans with useful data gathering and as they put it, it was “to advance our research based upon the know-how we have gained up to this point.” One remains somewhat dubious about that bit about, . . . “taking things slowly so that public understanding and trust can catch up.” There are a few folks who still know well about certain wartime endeavors by less scrupulous types on the aspects of experimentation on humans in the name of goal-oriented self-preservation. It does not address the cyber theft and threat of actual attacks on institutional theft and subtle infiltration through student attendees on temporary visas. It’s also a source of cyber theft and fraud among other things nefarious.

    Although some of those folks of the war years have transitioned their corporeal frames but has their work survived censorship or has it long been disseminated awaiting stolen technologies to further aid self-serving interests of a certain Party and its Party members who’ve infiltrated the science fields dealing with this business. Convenient that they’re neighborly by proximal and default location only. Memories know no borders. The work quite possibly stolen by those folks of ancestral origins with a vengeance on the mainland that were once used by the aggressors to further endeavors in such experimentation now are deployed for the Party and, especially, Party members. And they’re essentially atheists. Plenty of mix’n’match specimens taken from the locals of that region. They say little about hidden dark operations or that revealed organ donor scheme. If it were only so benign as it was suggested. They might figure, “What do they have to lose and what can be gained in short order with the new threats of DNA strands being spliced by high energy particles from contamination fallout. That reactor mess is far from cleaned up.

    There seems to be an uncontrolled experiment underway already just by local exposure in which measures will need to be developed to deal with that present threat. Bringing some level of aceptable experimental control into the region actually sounds reasonable and may work in their favor for radiation treatment and exposure reversal and adaptation in the near future..

    Gene code memory retention from experimentation suggests another corporeal level of existence if not an ethereal or quantum level presence. Cultural spiritualism of that island nation chain has several outlets one of them Shintoism or Shinto – “The way of the Kami.” Kami, referring to “mystical,” “superior,” or “divine.” Shintoism was introduced centuries ago in order to distinguish indigenous Japanese folks and beliefs from Buddhism.

    Decades ago, such things would not have made it onto any fringe branch, but not so today. In this regard, the Japanese are generally a spiritual people in which case there might be a retention through ancestral veneration practices, through a mystical connectivity on the quantum level, but the matter of distant corporeal relationships of other non-species designated corporeal beings, your bestiality reference, retains a learning curve, to be sure. Even a hint toward control. If pursued by those experimenters in such a way it might suggest a revival of other historical references that have been suggested through the notion of mythological Therianthropy. The experimenters result, with their splicing techniques, a therianthrope. What portion or designation of Shinto practice that will mean remains to be engaged. Science has great difficulty thinking of the mind although its practitioners have no difficulty thinking with the mind and its complimentary component called brain a useful analogue term generally accepted. Thinking as a therianthrope, . . . Well, . . Makes entertaining anime, something the Japanese excel at. Perhaps that is something they have in mind if not some serious repopulation of the Japanese gene code. for that island nation under threat.

    • DanaThomas on August 2, 2019 at 8:46 am

      Interesting remarks on Japan Richard though somewhat cryptic. Could there be a Chinese (or Korean?) connection in the genetic research? Are there possible links with pre-war research programmes “officially” shut down? Are they using radioactivity for genetic – or epigenetic – purposes, perhaps collating 70 years of data with the more recent radiation spike?
      Since both the USSA and the former USSR conducted atmospheric atomic testing, could those populations have been – and still be – “guineapigs” for similar genetic (or epigenetic) studies?

      • Richard on August 3, 2019 at 6:39 am

        In the honor of the Emperor of Japan at the time, Emperor Michinomiya Hirohito, Showa, the Imperial Japanese Army did a lot of things throughout Asia, in China, Mongolia, the Koreas (they were not divided until after WWII), and southern islands they temporarily annexed in the name of the Showa. In some ways, like the Nazis did in Europe with the Jewish population, the Japanese did in the western Pacific with indigenous populations. That was a lot of looting, land grabbing, and experimentation (human experimentation).

        You might have heard some things about Unit 731, as it was referred to, as it was such a war time experiment conducted on the peoples there. Seventy years ago, may seem like a long time, but survivors remembered the rats, as some 30,000 rats that were brought to the mainland came from Tokyo, as one historian / Singaporean researcher, Lim Shao Bin, discovered and later related. Stories he heard and later corroborated with documentation and survivors. For some 40 odd years, starting well before WWII broke out, the Japanese occupied Singapore and Malaya. Since the Japanese do not speak much about their sinister reputations and experimentations that portion of the Pacific war time atrocities, comparable to the Nazis in Europe has had a longer time of it in reaching historical knowledge data bases. They were more than stories that (surviving) grandparents told their grandchildren. As for this poster’s interest in war time Pacific, as a child General Mac Arthur and Lt Kennedy were my heroes growing up. Read all one could on the war in the Pacific and my mother me took to an inspirational movie, at least, for this once impressionable child, to see PT 109.

        At any rate, one could easily speculate that just like Project Paper Clip carried on with some Nazis like agendas, biological, chemical, and later, nuclear experimentations did, too, in the orient and were secretly expanded upon as the Cold War grew hotter. The US military shortly after Japan’s surrender, also, wanted to find out all they could about those dark programs having been already introduced to some nasty stuff in Europe and stories from survivors in the Pacific regions.

        Like centuries before, Black Plague and the way it greatly reduced a population without warfare, the Japanese had designs on reducing mainland populations in a similar way without bullets and bombs, until the US Army, Navy, and Marines stifled their ambitions of world conquest. The mind set of a people were all beholden to their Showa, Emperor Hirohito, even if it meant an atrocious psychopathology and evil carried out on another. Populations of certain worldly nations had a strange blood fever to reckon with then.

        As for the particulars on current deeds done, one speculates that they have gone on with the secretive eastern way of black projects in a very disciplined way. Organ shopping via the orient anyone? Give one’s regards to “Ming the Merciless,” and his Party goers, won’t you. Heh heh (kidding of course)

  6. marcos toledo on August 1, 2019 at 7:39 pm

    I remember a novel written by a Frenchman I think the title was Choice Cuts about patients who received organ donations also received the thoughts and personalities of the donors. As to Dr. Moreau What Is The Law For Are Not Men Dr. Shou Tucker at Lab 05 would love this.

  7. Marre on August 1, 2019 at 3:27 pm

    Here we go again……in an altruistic fervor….”for the sick”, “for the children”, “for the betterment of society” we are going to grow humans with a pig head, humans with a lizard head, or half human – half monkey (as I read news of earlier online today). Or worse, a pig with a human head etc…..just to see if they can do it.
    It will take about two seconds for the “scientists” to decide to not only let these abominations come to term but allow them to continue to grow, learn and see if they are sentient – can they speak, understand right from wrong, walk up right, know how to use their opposable thumbs – or cope without opposable thumbs, etc. I think that is the ultimate goal.
    There will be a ground swell of “ain’t that cool!” and a whole new class for PETA/SJW to riot over.
    You don’t even need to crawl a micrometer out on the twig to see this one coming…you can hug up as tight as you can get to the tree or crawl inside it…..guarantee this is gonna’ happen…..sad,sad,sad….God help us all.

    • zendogbreath on August 3, 2019 at 12:03 am

      You brought to mind a sign of the times. What was it 150 years ago, 95% of the population lived on farms? Now it’s inverted to 5% of the population living on farms? Besides all the other aspects, one vital item lost is the common sense of husbandry – the animal kind. I was joking below about cats and pigs. I have little experience with pigs. That little bit plus the word I have from farmers I trust is that pigs are horrifyingly smart. They remember everything. They are vicious, measuring and smart. Smart enough to know they are not getting a good deal.

      My point is that we are all necessarily not as wise as our fore-parents. They lived in much more realistic worlds. They didn’t keep weapons handy just for some odd occasional war-party or posse party. They provided food with those weapons as well as protection from some insanely common and horrendous predators. Just for grins bring up a yt vid of wild boor hunting and see what one of these animals is capable of. Consider bears, wildcats and full sized wolves. These are not inconveniences nor cute oddities. I have family in Alaska. Those beautiful moose are insanely violent and nasty.

      • Jen on August 14, 2019 at 10:25 am

        As someone for whom the theory of ‘Evolutionary Darwinism’ has never (well laterly – I was taken in for a while), been convincing, I have considered that our genome must be decidedly porcine – we can use pig insulin and heart valves etc, more readily than primate ones it seems.
        And as Winston Churchill, who knew a thing or several, observed: “Dogs look up to us, cats look down on us, but pigs look us in the eye as an equal”.
        I think Orwell knew something along those lines to write ‘Animal Farm’.

        • Jen on August 14, 2019 at 2:31 pm

          If these chimeras have indeed been possible for the past fifty years (or more), then they may well be evident now in the public sphere….. Who knows where they may pop up – a politician here, a tech boss there…..!
          Also, those mythological beasts from Ovid etc raise the question once again of very ancient and lost knowledge now rediscovered!

  8. zendogbreath on August 1, 2019 at 3:24 pm

    Speaking of memories being brought forth:

    So long and thanks for all the fish.

    Does anyone else remember the generations of research done teaching ASL to chimps, orangutans and gorillas before someone finally sat down to an honest conversation with a gorilla (I think) captured as a baby? The now adult primate completely remembered parents murdered and their captors binding and hauling and selling. Bad day. Amazing. Who and how were we ever trained that animals don’t feel? Or think? Or remember? Feels like most of what we’re taught all our lives is not to help us but to test us.

    How stupid did people have to be to believe biostitutes who stated that anesthesia was not needed for surgery on newborns? Or that fetuses don’t feel anything. Ok before I get locked worse into a rant, how many of us have not worked with a dog or a horse (forget about cats and pigs) who was not clearly smarter than most humans we have met?

  9. Robert Barricklow on August 1, 2019 at 12:11 pm

    Scientists “reluctant”?
    Read: the narrative are scientists reluctant to do this.
    Real scientists wouldn’t…
    mix & steer well; serve in a grey flannel shirt.

    When have governments been reluctant about power?
    Government experiments are all about power/control.

    Well Japan is an island and technically can thus become the 21st Century’s Island of Dr. Moreau. They all have acquired a radioactive on-site, live-action Fukushima in-place, and has been spewing radiation for some time.

    It’s already been going on; but for publicity purposes and to bring the existing products on-line; they have to exist legally. Just like yesterday’s blog on the FED; make it legal. But Christmas in July?

    While TV-sided scientists and governments around the world[who dress in camera white hats and bow ties] have banned these[off-camera realities] practices.

    Have not only made it legal to issue a nation’s currency/transplant hybrid slaves/embryos into hell’s chosen surrogate animals; but to star world war$$$ to finance/to bring them to bear fruit$$$.

    Custom organ from sheep and/or pigs?
    Are those organs a step up or down,
    from the current slave stocks of globalized sheeples?

    W/more and more commodities/er., citizens experiencing the effects of Rockefeller medicine; and therefore potential victims of more Rockefeller medicine, in the guise of organ transplants – the slave markets are at an all time high for both victims and wannabe victims.

    [Waiting in the 21st Century wings, are those coming attraction: the on-line 3D organ copying/software downloads & printers?]

    • Robert Barricklow on August 1, 2019 at 12:25 pm

      [the post started getting a little hardcore/will star by injecting human induced pluripotent stem cells into…
      Already genetically spliced & diced life forms. WOW!
      They are having a monster mash, a real grave yard smash!

      Yes. The new 21st Century mansions will have a refrigerated closet of organs w/an on-site community Doctor Moreau.
      Some will even have secret society monster mashes w/live in-house sacrifices and immediate in-house organ transplants. What a hearty party!

      So these transplants could make the current psycho asylum inmate leadership even more batshet crazy?
      Y, 4 “THEM”; that’$ a $elling point!

  10. sagat1 on August 1, 2019 at 6:55 am

    Bestial behaviour eh? This could explain their rumoured urge to cannibalise – the introduction of animal DNA each time a worn out organ is replaced with a lab modified human/animal incarnation. I’ve no doubt the ‘super elite criminals’ are extending their sell by dates with techniques not privvy to the general public. If you think about it… head transplants of monkeys were being performed back in the 70s so who knows what’s achievable 50 years on especially in the black 0ps world. It might explain why the elites are happy for their dastardly plans to slow burn over generations as they have plenty of time to wait for them to come to fruition.

  11. goshawks on August 1, 2019 at 5:58 am

    (Moderated. Likely for “h0mo sapiens sapiens.” feel safer now?)

    A lot of this ‘splice’ research is rumored to have been underway for several decades; just not publicly:

    I mentioned Rosslyn Chapel being just across the tiny town of Roslin from the genetics facility which produced Dolly the Sheep. Guess whose DNA might have been preserved in the Rosslyn Chapel catacombs? (Think of who was venerated by the Knights Templar.)

    Also, there is the corpse/mummy of a Sumerian queen in a British museum who has been identified by Zechariah Sitchin as being a full-blood or at least half-blood Anunnaki. His requests to have DNA testing were publicly ignored, but I expect privately ‘investigated’. For those groups enamored with recreating their forebears, this would be a god-send (yes, that was intentional).

    Finally, there are human forebears who actually had a larger brain (in terms of volume) than h0mo sapiens sapiens :
    “[John Hawks] rattles off some dismaying numbers: Over the past 20,000 years, the average volume of the human male brain has decreased from 1,500 cubic centimeters to 1,350 cc, losing a chunk the size of a tennis ball. The female brain has shrunk by about the same proportion. ‘I’d call that major downsizing in an evolutionary eyeblink,’ he says.”

    So, I can think of several areas where certain groups might like to “splice two different life forms together via the latest techniques in genetic engineering, in this case, human and ‘something else’…”

  12. DanaThomas on August 1, 2019 at 5:57 am

    If such a thing as “national karma” exists, the Land of the Rising Sun is not doing itself a favour by developing these “beneficial” techniques.
    On the other hand, the 115 thousand transplantees, if they survive, may be able to make a yen on the side by producing Hybrid Wool…

    • zero on August 2, 2019 at 12:24 pm

      I did actually laugh out loud at that.

  13. goshawks on August 1, 2019 at 5:47 am

    A lot of this ‘splice’ research is rumored to have been underway for several decades; just not publicly:

    I mentioned Rosslyn Chapel being just across the tiny town of Roslin from the genetics facility which produced Dolly the Sheep. Guess whose DNA might have been preserved in the Roslyn Chapel catacombs? (Think of who was venerated by the Knights Templar.)

    Also, there is the corpse/mummy of a Sumerian queen in a British museum who has been identified by Zechariah Sitchin as being a full-blood or at least half-blood Anunnaki. His requests to have DNA testing were publicly ignored, but I expect privately ‘investigated’. For those groups enamored with recreating their forebears, this would be a god-send (yes, that was intentional).

    Finally, there are human forebears who actually had a larger brain (in terms of volume) than homo sapiens sapiens :
    “[John Hawks] rattles off some dismaying numbers: Over the past 20,000 years, the average volume of the human male brain has decreased from 1,500 cubic centimeters to 1,350 cc, losing a chunk the size of a tennis ball. The female brain has shrunk by about the same proportion. ‘I’d call that major downsizing in an evolutionary eyeblink,’ he says.”

    So, I can think of several areas where certain groups might like to “splice two different life forms together via the latest techniques in genetic engineering, in this case, human and ‘something else’…”

  14. guitardave on August 1, 2019 at 5:46 am

    Have you ever considered writing comedy? Your BBHECCPCS bit had me LMAO.
    I kept thinking if it doesn’t develop a bad temper and get “hungry”, the scenario may end up more like this…(go to 1:25 )

    • Don B on August 1, 2019 at 7:31 am

      I would rather he write novels loosely based on real events. He could outsell Dan Brown. db

      • Barbara on August 1, 2019 at 10:45 am

        Bingo!!! Don

    • zendogbreath on August 1, 2019 at 3:32 pm

      That was another memory brought to mind.

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