You may recall that yesterday I blogged about an allegedly successful experiment in the "freezing", or at least, "extreme cooling" of a human being, and his or her successful "reanimation." The key to the allegedly successful experiment was, you might also recall, the removal of the patient's blood and its replacement by an "ice-cold saline solution." And I speculated that the whole procedure, since it was performed with the consent of the government, might have had as a hidden goal to discover what happened to that individual's consciousness while undergoing the "procedure."  We may now also wonder if, indeed, the removal of the individual's blood was part of my hypothesized "consciousness experiment"; was the individual's own blood even restored to him or her? Or was it someone else's?

We don't know, because there was scanty information provided about the whole alleged success; we were told only that its performer, Dr. Samuel Tisherman, promises to deliver a paper on the whole thing in 2020.

But in that respect, there's another odd story that was spotted by M.C., who is due a big thank you for sending it along:

Second Brain Found in Heart Neurons - Trust Your Gut Feelings

Now, this is not exactly new; I have in fact blogged about the unusual nature of this "heart-brain" idea before; neurons are not confined merely to the brain, but appear in the heart as well. There was, however, something that caught my eye in this article, and I rather suspect it's what caught M.C.'s eye as well and compelled M.C. to send the article along; you'll note that the article enumerates various cases of individuals who have received heart transplants, and whose behavior suddenly changes to embrace habits and behaviors associated with the donor of the heart. While the article does not mention them, similar experiences have been recorded for other types of organ transplants. One wonders if a similar phenomenon can be associated with blood transplants.

But in any case, what caught my attention in this article was this statement:

Neurologist Dr. Andrew Armour from Montreal in Canada discovered a sophisticated collection of neurons in the heart organised into a small but complex nervous system. The heart’s nervous system contains around 40,000 neurons called sensory neurites that communicate with the brain. Dr. Armour called it “the Little Brain in the Heart”. It has been known for many years that memory is a distributive process. You can’t localize memory to a neuron or a group of neurons in the brain. The memory itself is distributed throughout the neural system. So why do we draw a line at the brain? (Emphasis added)

This idea of distributed memory sounds a bit like a hologram, and the article quickly proceeds to try to avoid the unpleasant aspects of that by quickly trying to tie it all to good-old-fashioned-and-purely-materialistic speculations:

Other medical experts offer different explanations, but all agree that it is not so much mystical as it is science, and a science that needs further exploration.Professor Pr Paul Pearsall and Pr Gary Schwarz got together.

Professor Gary Schwartz says that “Feedback mechanisms are involved in learning. When we talk, for example, about how the brain learns, we talk about what we call neural networks in the brain. It turns out that the way a neural network works is that the output of the neurons feeds back into the input of the neurons. And this process goes over and over again. So long as the feedback is present the neurons will learn. If you cut the feedback, there is no learning in the neurons."

The Mind is Not Just in the Brain

Dr. Candace Pert, a pharmacologist at Georgetown University believes that the mind is not just in the brain, but also exists throughout the body. This school of thought could explain such strange transplant experiences. "The mind and body communicate with each other through chemicals known as peptides. These peptides are found in the brain as well as in the stomach, in muscles and in all of our major organs. I believe that memory can be accessed anywhere in the peptide/receptor network. For instance, a memory associated with food may be linked to the pancreas or liver and such associations can be transplanted from one person to another".

Now I'm all for feedback loops as I've talked about them in all sorts of contexts. And for that matter, the idea of the heart being part of a kind of "distributed brain" also appeals to me; for one thing, octopuses appear to have this type of structure to their nine brains. But more importantly, I've always been an advocate of the more ancient idea that human reason is not mere ratiocination, but incorporates and includes what the ancients would have called the passions, a deeper word than "emotions." So it appeals to me for this reason as well.

But it's that "distributed memory" idea and its "holographic" overtones that really appeals, for lurking deeply within that idea is the idea that memory is not local, existing or concentrated in this or that area of the brain, or the body. It rather as if what is implied by that idea is the opposite: that the body exists within a memory, and is imprinted with it like a psychotronic object. If it's distributed, and non-local, then perhaps it's also an indicator that the body, in order to be a body, is integrated at the quantum level, by quantum tunneling, perhaps, and that memory may be a function of this somehow. Whatever one makes of my speculations here, I strongly suspect that this idea of distributed memory means that those old Cartesian dualisms and epiphenomena are, like all over-simplified dualisms, going to go the way of the dodo bird, and that the relationship between the tangible physical body and the immaterial intangible world of things like memory are going to turn out to be far more complex than we imagined, and that those "feedback loops" between the two are the key.

See you on the flip side...

Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. Danna on December 3, 2019 at 12:42 pm

    I saw a video years and years ago on YouTube where it was show that there is tissue in the heart that if cut out of the heart and shown to neurosurgeons they could not tell the difference between the heart tissue or brain tissue.
    So if you get a heart transplant you are also receiving a brain transplant.
    So if this is true then why is it not more widely known and investigated? Why are we making a blood connection when there is no tissue in blood. If we are all receiving vaccines made from all kind of tissue and chemicals why is it only causing sickness and brain damage. Anyone thinking like a chicken, pig or fetus yet? If I had a transfusion I would be more concerned about the health of the individual giving the blood and if my body could hold up to the difference.

  2. SchwarzenStein on December 2, 2019 at 1:33 pm

    So the first thing I thought about was Rudolph Steiners book, ‘The Occult Significance of blood’, and Secondly @Joseph, I thought about Scarmoge’s notion about the phase conjugate nature of neuronal firings. Very interesting……

  3. Loxie Lou Davie on November 28, 2019 at 9:43 am

    All this makes me think of how our advanced tech has come down to the simple act of taking a swipe from inside one’s mouth…….the ability to “create” another “you”??? All this medical tech used by the SSP’s has NOT been passed down to us “normies”…..but, apparently, it exists!!! These Breakaway Civilizations operate far beyond what we can probably even imagine!!! Maybe “they” have figured out what we, ourselves, are trying to still figure out?! If Consciousness is the Primary State upon which all else is based, how should we view our short time in these “meatsuits”???

    It is always so interesting to read all the comments!! Thanks everyone…..this Grandma always enjoys getting her mind stretched a bit more each time!! 😉

    • zendogbreath on November 29, 2019 at 12:49 am

      LLD, reminds me of when I get told conspiracy theories are ridiculously unlikely since secrets are so hard to keep. Normies are getting smarter. They don’t like being quoted long lists of huge well kept conspiracies. List always starts with Manhattan Project.

      Time to start another list: all the with-held tech from all us commoners? Hm wonder how carefully pooched science fits into this. Vaccines, dietary fat villainized, sugar and tobacco science, cancer causes and cures, nutrition’s effects on diabetes, ms, parkinsons,………. um pretty much every disease, and on.

      Another problem. How do we separate the conspiracies from the withheld tech examples?

  4. goshawks on November 28, 2019 at 4:19 am

    I hesitate to share this, as it is way ‘out there’ for most Gizars (and me). I just ran across it, and it is an interesting perspective on our organs: (from Anna Von Reitz, whom I don’t know)
    “There are also some practical concerns related to our energetic bodies and non-physical organs. We have what can best be understood as ‘spiritual and energetic organs’ that exist outside our physical bodies. We are subconsciously aware of this. We can ‘loan’ these organs to others who have need of them as a result of damage incurred in war, as a result of disease, heartbreak, and other injuries. This results in our non-physical bodies being scattered all over the world, and many people operating with only partial components, as we have shared our own organs with others in an effort to help them live. Because our awareness of this is subconscious, we don’t ‘call these organs home’ when they are no longer needed by the people we donated them to, with the result that ‘pieces’ of us are scattered all over the world and we are not competent to get them back by ourselves, nor are we aware enough to make free will decisions about what we want done with them.”

    • zendogbreath on November 29, 2019 at 12:37 am

      G, Tommy Williams rants briefly and pretty often about AVR. Among other issues he talks about her loss in courts trying to apply semantics tactics in a freemen on the land kinda spiel. Sounds like she lost a house or something declaring herself free and clear of taxes. Think she had a falling out with the THI group.

  5. zendogbreath on November 27, 2019 at 11:41 pm

    Got me pondering a few books read in the last ten years about lucid dreams (intentional dreams).

    So Gizars, go to bed soon and ponder a question and keep pondering it as you drop off to sleep. Keep a note pad and pen by your bed. When you wake, before you rise write a couple short notes to remind you of your dream replies to the question. The answers given fade fast as time passes from the waking moment.

    It’s a curious phenomenon and most of the time quite pleasant. (It depends on the question and the answers.) Feels like it goes to the wordy and waking left brain being quieted during sleep and the wordless and conceptual right brain taking over during sleep. Wonder where the rest of the mind (throughout the body and beyond the body) comes in. Maybe that’s the question we need to ask.

    There’s an experiment to run Doc. How bout we Gizars come up with a question we all can ask ourselves to sleep with?

    • goshawks on November 28, 2019 at 1:54 am

      ZDB, lucid dreaming is the westernized version of deep meditation. Back in the 60s-70s, there was great experimentation on why yogis and others were able to reach great depths and still stay conscious. They found two things, before the subject-matter was repressed: (1) Yogis had a way to synchronize their brain-halves. (2) Yogis had found a way to moor themselves to awakeness (beta and alpha brainwave-states) while being concurrently ‘not here’ (delta and theta brainwave-states). They could hold both types of states at once, to both anchor ‘here’ and commune with someone/something. That seems to be the Golden Grail, while one is still on earth-plane…

      • BetelgeuseT-1 on November 28, 2019 at 2:45 am

        zdb and goshawks, thanks both for your insights, much to ponder.
        And goshawks, you have one heck of a fascinating background.

      • DanaThomas on November 28, 2019 at 2:50 am

        In Dzogchen-oriented Buddhism, there are effective techniques (Dream Yoga and the slightly different Sleep Yoga). Since life is one single continuum, it is recommended to start with enhancing awareness when awake – e.g. avoid falling into the dull distracted “robotic” mind in which we tend to stumble through the day – and then go on to better awareness in the “sleep” state. Preferably with proper instruction. Why is this important? As they saying goes, “Ars lunga, vita brevis” (paraphrasing: self-cultivation takes a long time but life is short). And the sleeping state usually accounts for about 1/3 of our lifetime. Which in the end makes quite a few years.

      • zendogbreath on November 29, 2019 at 12:41 am

        Alrighty then. Come on Gizars. Let’s come up with a question we can all focus ourselves to sleep with and meet back here with some of the answers we come up with. I’m thinking we can mess with Ruppert Sheldrake and his Ayauasca selling friends. Perhaps they’ll learn to get high on their own supply instead. Curious to find what flows from this.

        • Sandygirl on December 1, 2019 at 1:10 pm

          “Who am I” would would be a great question.
          We reach delta and beta brain waves twice a day; Right before falling asleep and when we wake up. That’s when we are in touch with our higher self.
          Our consciousness is a field of energy which we are tapping into.
          Every organ in our body’s are interwoven. Even the “transplanted heart” needs a body to operate/function optimally. I don’t doubt it brings along memories but once in the new body, it still functions with the entire physical body and energetic field.. Science has a hard time explaining any thing metaphysical.

          • zendogbreath on December 3, 2019 at 1:19 pm

            Hmm. Good question. Jackie Chan answered that in his deep philosophical treatise on that. With or without his help, we might all come up with a vast array of answers.

            They might be related though. Or they might be oddly similar. Any one else want to try this? Or a different question?

  6. BetelgeuseT-1 on November 27, 2019 at 6:37 pm

    Nice speculations there Dr Farrell, especially in your last paragraph. They are speculations I share mainly for the following reason.
    A personal anecdote that I can share about something that happened just a few years ago when my mother suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage, the area of the membrane between the brain and the skull. Without going into detail, the immediate outcome was that she was not able to do anything, no conversation was possible, she could not make a cup of tea or even eat on her own. The hospital effectively gave up on her and she ended up in a care home, all attempts at rehabilitation failed.
    Then something almost like magic happened. Call it God’s will if you wish.
    By inserting a drain in the area where the injury occurred (the hospital only elected to do this after pressure was applied to them), she came around almost 180degrees. Suddenly she could have a conversation, make tea, eat on her own, a near complete recovery! The hospital doctors said it was unique, never seen before.

    So then, if the official “all information is in the brain, with neurons “connecting” when you learn something” is true, then how does it explain this recovery? It doesn’t. Did the neurons just suddenly re-connect again all on their own, without “learning”?
    I don’t think so. It is much more likely along the lines of your speculations (and others in the comments) as well as my own thoughts after hearing about people like Rupert Sheldrake and his theories.
    The brain is an interface to information elsewhere, either in the body or – IMO – outside of it.
    During the illness, this interface was broken, like a radio that’s not tuned into a channel, the info is there, just not tuned into.

    Anyway, I thought I share this very close personal experience to add to the discussion and thoughts and perhaps it may even help someone else with similar issues.

    • goshawks on November 27, 2019 at 7:30 pm

      BetelgeuseT-1, thanks for the personal story. Poignant. I am glad your mother ‘came back’. The brain/mind quandary definitely pits the physical-only types against the ‘expansive’ types. Hopefully, we are on the timeline where the spiritual aspect becomes more evident…

    • zendogbreath on November 27, 2019 at 11:58 pm

      Have read a bit about ASD. Everything I found to read points progressively more and more that it’s all connected and how it’s connected matters. Brain, vagus, guts, everything. Reminds me of reading Roger Fouts (he taught ASL to the first chimp to learn it – Washoe). Later he speculated (and it seems he was right) that ASD kids’ brains were not damaged. That instead the corpus callosum was crossing up signals to the point of massive pain. He noticed kids fighting to avoid simultaneous visual and auditory signals. So he taught tactile ASL to earmuffed kids in dark rooms. These were the first autists to acquire language. That step allowed them to slowly work to acquire other sensory languages. Visual ASL and spoken English.

      Point to all that is that it wasn’t the brain itself so much as the signaling systems within and around the entire system. In this case the corpus callosum in particular.

      I think that’s a little tidbit in line with and hopefully confirming some of your speculation.

      • goshawks on November 28, 2019 at 1:42 am

        ZDB, that is interesting. Thanks. Back in the early 80s, I participated in months of “Feldenkrais Method” classes. I don’t remember whether it was implicit or explicit, but it involved exercises designed to re-integrate the brain across the corpus callosum. It involved doing a slow movement on one side of the body while staying mindful of the movement, and then the same on the other side. The most peculiar part to me was that I could actually ‘feel’ communication going across the corpus callosum. Following those exercise classes, I felt much more “in-body” rather than piloting the body…

        As far as the ASD kids, I wonder if “Feldenkrais Method” classes (or similar) could help their corpus callosum re-knit after the damage?

        Also, Jim Stone has interesting views on what might have caused that damage:
        (Scroll down a ways to “Natural News posted a new vaccine report that has a damaging MOA I did not know about.”)

        • zendogbreath on November 29, 2019 at 12:31 am

          I want to say Feldenkrais (and other methods) got used in a lot of alternative education settings. Yep there are a lot of contributors to ASD as well as other issues growing more common daily. Various forms of pollution. They build synergy too.

  7. Jan Rosbäck on November 27, 2019 at 12:29 pm

    The heart might just be the real brain, it’s magnetic field strength is about 5000 times stronger than the one of the brain. Our DNA is probably programmed to just use the brain. Ken L. Wheeler has lots about the field. Theoria Apophasis.

  8. goshawks on November 27, 2019 at 12:56 am

    I am not at all surprised about neurons in the heart area. Years back, there was a psychic/healer who promulgated a “Second Brain” in the gut, based on his experiences (don’t remember his name right now). Here is a list of ‘gut brain’ books:

    Ultimately, this tracks back towards the eastern Chakra system. Supposedly, there is a physical component to each energy-based chakra. Westerners have tried to identify those components, usually by associating each chakra to a gland. Given the recent discovery of neurons close to the heart (and therefore the Heart chakra), I wonder if other ‘neuron clusters’ might be found close to each purported chakra…

  9. marcos toledo on November 26, 2019 at 7:30 pm

    This article seems too back up the Egyptian idea that the heart is the seat of consciousness. Remember at the place of judgment it was the heart that was weighed against the feather of truth.

  10. ML light on November 26, 2019 at 6:45 pm

    So interesting, I believe the lungs contain neuron clusters as well.

  11. Robert Barricklow on November 26, 2019 at 10:34 am

    A while back there were blogs on the new blood tests that involved totally new technologies regarding a possible crystal link.
    Crystals have also been associated w/memory/information technologies.

    As far as distributed memories/neurons in different areas of the body? Your octopus brain is also distributed to its eight limbs; giving it an adaptive intelligence advantage par excellence.

    Oops! You brought up the octopus link
    [remember? I post as I read]

    I was going the quantum route as well. But the concept of body imprinting was beyond me. Loved it!

    ]I’m going to have to reread this a few times to get the full effect]

  12. William Wright on November 26, 2019 at 10:07 am

    Follow your heart …
    I have profound respect for my heart, it has never lied to me, it leads me into green pastures, gives me profound insights, and when all else fails, it provides a glimmer of light in the darkness. The problem with all of this, is that I have a brain that loves to impersonate my heart – my brain tells me that it’s my heart talking. It is often quite confusing and confounding, because to my horror, I discovered my brain can be one fat liar. Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!

    • anakephalaiosis on November 26, 2019 at 11:54 am

      The point of the Rune system is to present a Druidic riddle for a king, that can only be solved, by applying both heart and mind, in equal measure.

      I suspect there is a linguistic connection between “rune” and “run”, latter being the orbital path, that expresses the logical sequence of the former.

      Ouroboros is a dragon caught in a loop. Apparently, the Rune sword, that slays the dragon of the mind, is a cycle as well. Perhaps they are one, and the same!

      The eternal return.

    • zendogbreath on November 27, 2019 at 11:43 pm

      Thank you William. Felt good to read that.

  13. enki-nike on November 26, 2019 at 10:06 am

    Dr. Gary Schwartz from the University of Arizona is the inventor of the Soul Phone, a device that communicates with “unseen entities” by detection of their photon emissions.

  14. anakephalaiosis on November 26, 2019 at 9:11 am

    Breaking sixth and seventh seal, is done in confrontation, as matter of principle. When facing death, instincts take over. Heart is a wild beast, and brain is a reptile. Normally, consciousness under extreme stress loses control to instincts, unless being deeply Awake.

    Brain is concentration and contemplation. Heart is passion and empathy. Lower body is to be, or not to be. These are dual aspects of Odin’s sports, also known as ashtanga yoga. Placing “eye in well” is samadhi, in center of spatiotemporal loop. Runes are asana, in rose window of Notre Dame.


    Living word is a three-in-one, when speaking, invoking and chanting, all at once, in multilayered motet harmony. Of course Christ spent 18 years in Druidic Britain. Were that to be commonly known, pope would drown in his own curses.

    Oligarchy, attempting to clone itself, seeks to transfer imprint to blank slates, in search for pontifex forevermore.

  15. guitardave on November 26, 2019 at 6:09 am

    Lets not forget, there’s also a neuron cluster in the gut. Three brains. The tripartite god…as above, so below. Its NOT a dichotomy….human corporeal existence is analogous to Doc’s “when you draw a line of separation in the nothingness, you instantly have THREE things, not two”.
    Mr. Gurdjieff told us all about it years ago in Bealzebubs Tales…the tragic plight of the three-brained beings from the planet they call earth.
    PS: Thanks (for all the) giving, Doc…I hope you have a most wonderful and relaxing holiday!

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