Every now and then there is a pattern among the non-patterns of the article-bearing emails that all of you send, and this has been one of those kinds of weeks.  There has been no discernible pattern in the stories shared by all of you, except that the overwhelming majority of them have been not only off the beaten path of the normal goulash (or maybe one should say, ghoulash) of narratives and "creative writing" served up by the lamestream propotainment media, but they have been about things that were "small but unusual" stories.

Such is the story that heads off this "Strange Week for News", and it's even a story I myself listened to on a local talk radio station, and made a point of writing down a "note to self" to look the story up and blog about it. By the time I had perched myself in front of the computer to comb through the day's emails,  many others of you had already heard or found the same story, and sent it to me.

What am I talking about?

I'm talking about that small radio station that, discovering it was off the air, sent its engineer out to determine why.

There was a very simply explanation why: someone had stolen it's 200 hundred feet tall broadcast tower with its antenna, that's why.  Here's the version of the story many of you shared, so our thanks to "E.E.  et al." of you who did so:

200 Foot Steel Radio Tower Stolen In Alabama

And here's the unbelievable core of the story:

Regardless, this inquiry is what WJLX station general manager Brett Elmore finds himself asking in Alabama - after a 200-foot radio tower was stolen.

On Friday, a landscaping crew informed him that there "wasn't much left" of the tower when they went to go maintain it, according to the NY Post, who cited WBRC.


"They stole every piece of equipment out of the building, cut the guy wires to the tower and SOMEHOW managed to down a 200' tower and take it from the property. Jasper Police is investigating and hopefully they will find who did it. It is a FEDERAL crime to tamper with a federally licensed facility," the post concluded.

Elmore concluded: "This really hurts a small operation like this, but like I said, I believe we will find out who did this. It is a federal crime and it absolutely will not be worth it to them."

Now before we get to my octane speculation of  the day, there is one more thing to note about this odd event. A little internet searching of WJLX will reveal that the station is a small AM and FM radio station serving Jasper, Alabama, with a broadcast power of a mere 250 watts, just enough to cover the small community. After all, a 200 feet tall tower and 250 watts is not exactly going to make the station one of those big broadcast blow-torches broadcasting over a wide region at 50,000 watts. And for those who know how radio works, an FM station broadcasting from a tower of a mere 200 feet is...well, not exactly impressive.  It will not cover much of an area since FM radio waves travel in a straight line and do not bounce off temperature layers in the atmosphere like AM does.  But you get the basic ideas in both cases here:

Small tower, small radiating broadcast power, small coverage area.

All this brings us back to the article, because you'll note that the thieves stole not only the tower, but the broadcast equipment itself.

Why do I say thieves? Because pulling down (and apart?) a two hundred feet tall tower is probably not a job a one man team is going to be able to do, let alone cutting cable and removing other broadcast equipment. Doing so quickly is also a requirement: to do it at night will require some expertise, and during the day, to do it quickly enough as to minimize chances of discovery. In both cases, the team would have to work quickly in order to avoid detection.

All of this suggests that the team, however many people it might have employed, had to be relatively professional and familiar with what to do and how to do it, and able to do it quickly. And there are questions: (1) how was the tower removed? All in one piece? Or dismantled?  My choice would be dismantled, at least reduced to "manageable loads", because a one piece removal would mean heavy equipment to move a very lengthy, and visible, tower. Still, cutting up a two hundred feet tall tower would seem to require some welding and cutting experience, plus equipment with at least some sort of crane to lift parts onto whatever conveyance was used to remove it from the property.

So the inevitable question: Why?  What's the motive for stealing an entire broadcast tower along with the equipment? The simplest answer would appear to be that someone wants to set up some sort of small broadcast facility that is not legal nor licensed. But again, why? Once it starts operation, it would be easily and quickly detected, and found. So perhaps it is intended only for a one time broadcast. Or perhaps might whoever stole it be intending to modify the tower to be portable, and quickly erected and dismantled, so it could be moved? Perhaps. Or was the theft of the tower designed to remove suspicion from the real target, and real motive, the equipment? (or, vice versa).

And a final speculation: I cannot help but couple this event with the flood of illegals flooding into the country, some of whom, we may be confident, include terrorists and sleeper agents. Additionally, I am so suspicious of this event and its implications that I find myself adopting the ppositon of being skeptical in advance of any "facts" that might be revealed by the propotainment media subsequently, including any stories about the capture of the perpetrators and their motivations.

In any event,  this is clearly a case were there are bound to be many more speculations than facts. And for that reason, I'm slotting this one in the "you tell me" category, because I think we'd all like to hear what other people think might be going on. You can also bet that this is being investigated by more than the local Jasper, Alabama police.

See you on the flip side...


Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

No Comments

  1. bassman on February 14, 2024 at 5:26 pm

    Recently I watched Rick Beato’s YouTube video rant How Corruption and Greed Led to the Downfall of Rock Music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reesdiAbvk4) which argues that corporate consolidation of previously decentralized radio stations has killed rock music due to a small number of individuals controlling what gets played. I assume that corporate consolidation has also similarly impacted country music. My High Octane Speculation is that some big corporation didnt like this decentralized station competing with it.

    • InfiniteRUs on February 14, 2024 at 6:46 pm

      Used to be musicians wrote their own music and lyrics. Music scouts would go to live music clubs to see what the crowds liked. Today there is a weaponized agenda behind the music industry and mostly lyrics promoting corrupt, suicidal and criminal behaviors are promoted. Same people who took control of record labels likely took control of most airwaves. All part of the Protocols to turn God against us so we can be destroyed. Weather you are religious or not, there is a religious agenda behind all this I suspect. And it doesn’t look like the supernatural or Satanists that are trying to corrupt us either to full fill their racist, twisted prophecy of world domination.

  2. mirkogordan on February 13, 2024 at 12:17 pm

    Could it be something very banal? Theft to sell the metals to a scrap dealer? I don’t know the current price on the market but some years ago, I see only now it‘s been more than ten(!), here in Germoney they even used to steal railway overhead lines.
    No kidding.

    Here’s a report from a known and painfully politically correct (another theme) German newspaper reporting about a theft of 800 meter cables:
    Feel free to use the translator of your trust.

    According to the police in the year before, 2009, there were 500 such thefts and in the year 2008, due to high metal prices, 1200!

  3. bluelectricstorm on February 13, 2024 at 8:27 am

    Most likely some Alabaman was having their sunset view ruined. Did something about it.
    I like Kevin Ryan’s hypothesis here the best though. That’s the funnest one yet.
    Great prank.

  4. anakephalaiosis on February 13, 2024 at 7:55 am

    The aerial totem is gone with the dodo, and replacement therefore urgently needed:

    Making a stand, inside the compass idea, is of course a topological metaphor, which, when being manifested, as a permanent ontology, radiates epistemologies into every possible direction, which is Genesis.

    Such an aerial totem becomes a “central station”, from where all possible realities expand, like railway tracks, endlessly, into all directions – which is the compass idea of the nine worlds, in Norse mythology.

    This type of worldview only becomes a natural ontology, when the 7th seal is broken, which means, that the ego – as a flower bud – will have to step aside, for the blossoming of higher self to occur.

    This is, what the compass idea, of Black Elk’s Six Grandfathers, means, when man himself becomes an aerial totem:


    • anakephalaiosis on February 13, 2024 at 8:00 am

      BTW, there is no authoritative position, that can ever outmatch, or compare, to the expansion of the higher self, when man pops the karma wheel, and enters heaven.

      Tucker Carlson has a second epiphany, when he goes, from ice bath to sauna, realising, that Russia can’t join NATO, because NATO only exists, specifically, to defeat Russia.

      The Praetorian Guard seeks to defeat Byzantium, and everyone is a pawn, in that Vatican chess play, when Assyrian legacy seeks to enslave Scythio-Crimean legacy.

      When man is his own aerial totem, then he is no slave.


  5. Kevin Ryan on February 12, 2024 at 8:30 pm

    A look at what WJLX was broadcasting might provide some clues as to the two or three Sneaky Petes who rustled its equipment. The antenna was a skinny thing an adult male could wrap his arms around at the base. A dump truck and a pickup could probably haul everything away and two or three guys could toss it all in one of the large lakes in the area. At first I thought some UAB engineering students made a quick trip to Jasper to pull off this stunt but this heist isn’t much of a challenge. And no self-respecting ET would have vaporised or stolen this crude technology. Look for three local high school students – aka Moe, Larry, and Curly – with a beef against WJLX’s owner or tired of its fare who can now hear their favorite station in Birmingham with WJLX off the air.

  6. marcos toledo on February 12, 2024 at 6:53 pm

    Could the owner of this radio station be a MAGA supporter?

    • InfiniteRUs on February 12, 2024 at 9:42 pm

      Googled the station name, ” WJLX Alabama stolen tower” and got a link to their online streaming station. Apparently it’s an Outlaw Country Music station next to a Chicken farm. I suspect some of the workers at the chicken farm. The bigger operations often use immigrants for employees because those chicken houses often stink like you would not believe. Could the chicken farm owner have blamed the tower for possible chicken issues and decided to take matter into his own hands or did immigrant employees decide to raid and scrap it like criminals in South Africa are famous for doing?

  7. Robert Barricklow on February 12, 2024 at 12:18 pm

    When I saw this my immediate thought was organized crime.
    Then I thought: Inside job? Insurance? Need a new tower?
    From manhole covers to radio towers; nothing in the public domain is safe.
    But wait! The public’s been completely sold out!
    What public!

    And if there is a; more or less, “public radio station” – it would have to go bye-bye.
    There can be no local nor public…
    in a monopolized, international, privatized, globalized open-air prison planet cartel.
    Hence, any rumors of a local near public radio station – has to be made an example of?
    Gone with the natural wind.
    As wind itself has been privatized – and under new management.

  8. SlightlyConfused on February 12, 2024 at 9:59 am

    Could this equipment be used to protect an area from strange fires?

  9. anakephalaiosis on February 12, 2024 at 6:58 am

    To promote Taylor Swift psy(p)op, in the airwaves, the American military will need radio towers, on their planned new military bases in Norway.


    American presence, in Europe, is, to support the reign of Mad King George, who otherwise is heading for extinction, by popular demand.

    Mad King George & Co:

    • anakephalaiosis on February 12, 2024 at 7:59 am

      BTW, why have swing sisters, when one can have a one-dimensional diva, making the airwaves safe, and protected, against radically inspiring plasmas floating around, in upper sphere?

      American journalists, skinny-dipping in ice water, could set a dangerous precedent, inciting random epiphanies, when plasmas get curious, attracted to, whatever exciting is going on.

      Muse plasmas, of the inspiring kind, are known, to visit an earthly abode, now and then, filling the air with celestial musings, while spurring the open-minded, into achieving greatness.

      Greatness is the path to glory.


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