This was the second story in our "Strange Week for the News", because once again I strongly suspect that there is much more here than meets the eye.  For one thing, what we have is another dead banker. But in this case, it's not just any dead banker, nor is the death itself without its own symbolisms and potential "messages'.  In any case, here's the story that many of you sent (with our thanks to all of you who did so, and to S.D. who shared the following version):

Wealthy African banker, family identified as victims of San Bernardino Co. helicopter crash

Now you'll note a few facts about this crash:

Among the deceased was Herbert Wigwe, the CEO of Access Bank, one of the largest banks in Nigeria. His death was confirmed by Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, director general of the World Trade Organization and formerly Nigeria’s finance minister, in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Also onboard were Wigwe’s wife and son and a man identified by Okonjo-Iweala as Bombo Ogunbanjo, who is listed as the former chairman of Nigerian Exchange Group Plc.

So the former Nigerian finance minister was one of the victims, along with his wife and son, and an associate who himself turns out to be the head of a Nigerian investment group.

The helicopter itself, as the article notes, was a rental, and the accident appeared to have occurred in inclement weather. Notably, the helicopter itself conveniently lacked a a cockpit voice recorder:

The helicopter was not equipped with a cockpit voice recorder or flight data recorder as NTSB officials said that particular model was not required to be equipped with those devices.

Now why is this story on my radar at all?

Well, besides the fact that we can add two more bankers to the growing list of bankers who have died under mysterious and decidedly fishy circumstances, is the fact that these bankers were Nigerian. Now you may be thinking that I haven't made the case that there's anything at all fishy here other than the tragic coincidence of the death of two Nigerian bankers.

Well, let me put it in the terms of one of my favorite expressions: this one is like a mackerel on a moonlit beach: it both shines, and stinks.

It shines and stinks because both bankers were Nigerians. The reason that is significant is that you might recall that Nigeria actually tried a national experiment to go "completely cashless" not too long ago.

And the result was utter and complete failure:

Nigeria's financial sector in turmoil as CBN's push for cashless economy fails to meet expectations

Now when one reads between the lines of these two articles (or similar reportage), one gleans the following thing: the experiment failed because by removing cash as a medium of transaction, the experiment failed because there was no alternative method of transaction when the digital system failed. And it's no use blaming that failure on "poor infrastructure" or anything else: failures inevitably occur in digital systems no matter how sophisticated the infrastructure. The experiment proved to be a failure, in other words, because of the cashlessness itself. There was no alternative to system failure.

As of this writing, a little investigation about Herbet Wigwe reveals that he was a widely respected banker in Africa, with big visions for his banking interests, and the holder of several awards. But as of now, and with only a cursory search, little to nothing is known of his, or his companion's, role in that Nigerian cashless experiment, an experiment that, as the above articles indicated, went wrong - or if you're an avdocate of cash and actual physical media of transaction and exchanmge like me - went very right.

But all of this is to say that I strongly suspect that Mr, Wigwe's untimely death probably had something to do with that experiment. Whether he was an advocate or an opponent of it remains to be seen, but I suspect, judging from other facts from his biography, that he may have been an advocate. But in any case, getting two well-known  Nigerian bankers and financiers on to the same helicopter and then getting it to crash... well, no, all of this is just too coincidental for me.

There's more to this story, I'm certain, and I'm also quite certain it has something to do with the push for central bank digital currencies. Perhaps, given their first hand experience with it, Msrs. Wigwe and Ogunbanjo were in a position to expose too much. In any case, someone was sending messages with this one. But let me know what you think about this strange story.

See you on the flip side...

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

No Comments

  1. Steve.Jinks on February 18, 2024 at 1:13 am

    Ill see if i can find an atc recording.

    This crash reminds me of kobe bryant.

  2. W2 on February 16, 2024 at 8:48 pm

    There is nothing “convenient” about the helicopter lacking any voice recorder or flight data recorder. Nothing suspicious about it at all. As of 2023 in the USA and Canada most small aircraft that are private and commercial under a certain weight and engine type are not required so no one builds them with it. Owners be it private or business are cheap. They will not pay for things they do not need to. I have always found this to be strange but I assume the majority of small aircrafts would lobby hard again being mandated to retrofit or pay for if new built unless such regulations are pushed through.

    A quick Internet search for Canadian and USA regulations shows even as of 2023 governments are just trying to implement some type of recorders.

  3. Brendan on February 15, 2024 at 3:53 pm

    Recently I actually bought something with cash for the first time in over 12 months. It felt very strange. Almost nostalgic.

    • librarymonk on February 15, 2024 at 9:54 pm

      I use cash at every opportunity. It is nice to feel free… I feel strange when I have to use a credit card!

      • InfiniteRUs on February 16, 2024 at 9:24 pm

        I only use cash because I know what the cashless agenda will lead to. When my elderly mother gives me her card to buy her groceries I don’t feel good or comfortable. Plus cash is quicker and more convenient. I especially hate being behind people having trouble with their card on a small purchase. If they had cash the line would quickly get moving again.

  4. Damjan on February 15, 2024 at 3:37 pm

    Nigeria’s recent move to potentially sell oil in its local currency, the Naira, has sent ripples through the global financial landscape. This decision, coupled with the country’s rejected application to join the BRICS bloc, raises intriguing questions about the future of the US dollar and the ambitions of emerging economies.

  5. Damjan on February 15, 2024 at 3:34 pm

    Nigeria central bank to sanction fraudulent forex claims, governor says

    Nigeria’s central bank governor Olayemi Cardoso said on Friday that entities involved in fraudulent foreign exchange trades would be punished, after an audit helped whittle down a backlog of claims for payment to a “more manageable figure.”

    A forensic audit of $7 billion of overdue forex backlogs the bank has been struggling to clear had uncovered irregularities affecting $2.4 billion worth of the transactions.

    The irregularities ranged from missing paperwork to non-existent entities and beneficiaries receiving unauthorised foreign exchange allocations.

    “A lot has been asked with respect to those that are within the infracted category, which we are looking at very closely. Those who are responsible will be sanctioned accordingly,” Cardoso told.

    Central bank Deputy Governor Muhammad Sani Abdullahi added that the bank is working with law enforcement for further action against the offenders.

  6. Damjan on February 15, 2024 at 3:32 pm

    Nigeria to propose naira payment for local gas sale

    Nigeria is proposing for gas producers to sell gas to local power plants in naira to solve problems of dollar shortages after a second currency devaluation in less than a year is expected to balloon costs and make it hard for firms to pay.

    Nigeria has 24 gas power plants with a combined output capacity of 11,434 megawatts, but it only delivers around a third of its capacity to the grid due to issues with gas supply.

    “Proposing domestic gas payment in naira is a key step toward stability, aligning with our economy’s needs and promoting sustainable energy production,” Power Minister Adebayo Adelabu said.

    Adelabu added that he plans to create legislative measures that will mandate naira payments for domestic gas supply.

  7. Ray Story on February 15, 2024 at 5:08 am

    April 4, 1991, – Senator Heinz of Pa. dies along with six others over Merion, Pa. when a Bell 412 Helicopter collides with the Piper Aerostar he was in. Ten days later the paperwork closing the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard was signed , Senator Heinz was the P.N.S.Y. main congressional supporter. Horse faced liar John Kerry later marries the dead senators wealthy widow and runs unsuccessfully for President. ” Was the helicopter/airplane crash really a total accident ” is something I often ponder ?

  8. Beckysue on February 15, 2024 at 3:49 am

    quote: Here’s how it really looks from the outside looking at the USA. The same way the Patriot Act was not designed to stop terrorism but rather to create a domestic surveillance system. So too were the “Russian Sanctions” not designed to sanction Russia, but rather to create the financial control system that will lead to a USA digital currency. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/02/11/the-western-sanctions-against-russia-and-u-s-cbdc/

  9. Beckysue on February 15, 2024 at 3:42 am

    I saw this. Someone on Twitter made a video of all the African presidents who died (assassinated) who did not allow the covid vaxx in their countries. Isn’t China going into Africa big time now also? King Charles & Germany have some competition. Speaking of China, I see someone just took out Angela Chao, sister of (Cocaine) Mitch McConnell’s wife. She was CEO of the family’s shipping company & lived in Texas (boy, Texas is on fire). Would the Chinese take out their own to send a message? Or “good guy” retribution? Somebody has to start shooting back at the bad guys at some point.

  10. marcos toledo on February 14, 2024 at 5:42 pm

    I thought the helicopter crash happened in Nigeria no the contract was carried out in assassinationvile USA you have to be dumb to believe this was an accident

  11. rohat77 on February 14, 2024 at 12:23 pm

    Not enough details to form an opinion here… but, I am certainly not shedding any tears.

  12. Robert Barricklow on February 14, 2024 at 11:54 am

    When I saw this my immediate thought was: another Kobe Bryant.
    Kobe’s offence was within the infamous pharmaceutical industry.
    This banker, no doubt, crossed the power structure’s deadly red-line as well.

    He “tried” to go cashless and failed.
    Perhaps, purposely.
    Bankers can’t be patriotic nor fighting for the human side.
    That’s an banking example, waiting for the right helicopter flight.
    Plus, it turned out to be a two for one example of cashless heartlessness.

  13. anakephalaiosis on February 14, 2024 at 10:14 am

    1. The art, of making “water into wine”, is done, by building an aqueduct, which – because of free horse watering – allows wine-drinking steppe dwellers access, to city taverns. Win-win!

    2. Caiaphas couldn’t allow such insurrection, because the Assyrian loyalists needed, to safeguard the crucial idea of divine rulership, that provided political precedent, to the budding imperial Rome.

    3. The Assyrian oligarchy, in Rome, needed urgently, to quell the persistent idea of a republic, by propagating Hollywood in Jerusalem, and selling David and Solomon, as poster boys.

    4. The gospel hero was therefore seen, as an irritating fly in the ointment, because the Crimean rapprochement had – seven centuries earlier – trashed the “divine right of kings” doctrine.

    5. The symbol of Crimean rapprochement was embodied in a Scythian war trophy, a skull cup, made from an Assyrian cranium, which found its way to the Last Supper, as a victory toast.

    6. To control the narrative, the gospel hero had to be brought to justice, on trumped-up charges, which proved to be difficult, because Pontius Pilate was a secret republican.

    7. To appease the Assyrian swamp, in Rome, the gospel hero had to be seen popped off, so, that no Yahweh tendencies were to reemerge, that could spoil the Assyrian Ponzi scheme.

    8. The endorsement of Elijah’s think-tank, the school of thoughts – that earlier had bolstered the Crimean rebellion – was a threat, to the world economic forum of the Julio-Claudian dynasty.

    9. The fake Babylonian money god, that Daniel had exposed, was, to be erected all over the Roman empire, in the image of an emperor’s idol, to govern all economical transactions.

    10. Digital omnipresence, in this day and age, allows the Praetorian Guard’s legacy, the Vatican, a means, to suppress any economical dissent, as blasphemous rejection of the imperial idol.

    11. Crusading eastwards, as NATO, the Catholics are expanding the Jesuit Inquisition, with torturous dungeons, to incite civil wars in provinces, as means of divide and conquer.

    12. Today, the Crimean winos are the traditional rough riders, who carry on the Scythian tradition, and, they take no flack, from the papal pestilence, because ODIN IS ELIJAH.

    The knights of the Holy Grail!


    • anakephalaiosis on February 14, 2024 at 10:32 am


      To Glastonbury came a traveling picture,
      bringing Scythian Grail treasure,
      in an Assyrian skull
      that is full,
      of blood of freedom fighter.


      Fiercest of warfare beheld dragon head,
      repelling invasion of homestead,
      and heart fell to ground,
      when he found,
      that all his sons lay dead.

      While king broke waves on eternal shore,
      cuckold betrayal closed his door,
      and queen would not last
      with curse cast,
      in broken mirror on floor.

      God’s revengeful heart is a sacred thing,
      when making last stand as king,
      and Arthur’s dogs of war
      tore queen apart,
      so that banshees might sing.

      • anakephalaiosis on February 14, 2024 at 10:51 am


        When Pendragon wild, not tame,
        born of shadow and flame,
        killed off every fear
        crystal clear,
        he went before he came.

        When Pendragon was not there
        he became fire everywhere,
        within dream awoken
        in action taken,
        throughout angelic sphere.

        When Pendragon did not yield,
        in final stand by shield,
        he rose victorious
        and hilarious,
        laughing in empty field.


        Parthian shot, in hasteful ride,
        is battlefield turning tide,
        with yoga training
        in stretching,
        that Ashtanga does provide.

  14. Billy Bob on February 14, 2024 at 9:20 am

    Nigerian financial scam revenge? No more send me a $1,000 to get $25,000 in return…

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