Mr. V.T. spotted this article in Russia's Sputnik magazine online edition, and I thought it was worth passing along, for it seems that the Czech Republic has voted to give its citizens the right to keep and bear arms, and use them in the event of terrorist events, or, in short, has recognized its people's right to self-defense:

Open Season: Ordinary Czechs Get Right to Shoot Terrorists on Sight

While one might quibble over the Czech law - and I strongly suspect that Sputnik is avoiding some specifics - such as is the law simply recognizing a right, or conferring a right? The distinction is crucial. But whether the one or the other, the result is the same: the Czech citizen now becomes the "first responder" to such incidents. And in a highly unusual irony if one calls the Sputnik of the Soviet era  - I do... when I was growing up, some of my parents' friends in Sioux Falls actually subscribed to the English language edition of the then-hard-copy magazine. It was, in the height of the Cold War, admittedly an intriguing magazine to read, not the least for the heavy dollops of Communist propaganda ladled out in every issue - the article seems to view this development with mild approval:

Although Western European countries such as France, Belgium, Germany and the UK have suffered several terrorist attacks in recent years, the Czech Republic has not seen any attacks. The Global Peace Index 2016 ranked the country the sixth safest in the world.

However, I suspect there is something else going on and the article focuses in on this like a laser beam: the real motivation is the growing power of the EU and its increasingly suicidal policies:

The EU directive, which was drawn up by the Commission in the aftermath of terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels, was adopted by the EU Council in April. It includes a ban on civilian use of short semi-automatic firearms with loading devices over 20 rounds and long semi-automatic firearms with loading devices over 10 rounds, as well as long firearms that can be easily concealed, for example by means of a folding or telescopic stock.

The directive was criticized by politicians, gun owners and hunters in the Czech Republic, who argue the directive is an infringement of national sovereignty and their right to bear arms.

As well as the constitutional amendment, which still has to be approved by the Senate and the President, the Czech government has also said it will file a complaint with the European Court of Justice about the directive by August 17.

In other words, the Czech amendment is part and parcel of a wider, and growing, opposition to the EU's immigration policies, which the Czechs are answering their own way, Hungary yet another, and Poland yet another. But in each case, the unifying factor is opposition to Frau Merkel's uhm... I mean, the EU's policies. The one size-fits-all policies coming out of Berlin... er... Brussels are simply impractical, and this was, and its, and will remain,the central problem of the EU, and its regulatory, rather than republican, structure.

And central to that problem is, of course, the central bank - welfare-warfare model, which puts the recent news of the arrest of Cardinal Pell into a new light.

The bottom line? For Europeans, the USA is increasingly an unstable ally. For Britons, the EU is a mess, an infringement on British sovereignty, but the USA is also increasingly unstable. For America, Europe is a self-destructing suicidal mess (Thank you, Stockholm and Berlin), but is following many of the same policies. The bottom line is that the whole West is increasingly unstable, in my opinion largely because its leadership class has no more common cultural vision, and the Czechs are seeing the problem. At the heart of it is a hypocrisy: the USA lectures Russia about its alleged hacking and interference with American elections, while America's record on the internal interference with other countries is anything but stellar (think Iran, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Brazil, Argentina, the Ukraine... even Australia).  And that's the problem with empires: their "interests" know no limits.

See you on the flip side...


Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. Eve Leung on July 10, 2017 at 9:49 am

    Just want to come here to laugh out loud at the PSI index, New Zealand and Australia on top of the Asia Pacific List.

    According to us Asian, Bhutan has the highest happiness index in the world, and the most peaceful country in the world, and yet, just because this country extremely peaceful and quiet, the world government pretend this country doesn’t exist? ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In both Japan and Singapore, I dare to leave my children at MacDonald’s table alone while I go purchase food at the counter or visit the lady’s room, I dare NOT do that at anywhere else in Asia! Not even my home city Hong Kong. (Not likely travel to Bhutan so doesn’t count)

    Here is the over all safety index of Singapore and Japan, I really hope New Zealand and Australia can beat that. (Australia 2016 There were 1,658 robberies without a weapon, 213 robberies with a firearm, and 1,018 robberies with a weapon but not a firearm. There were 14,707 vehicle thefts and 41,208 thefts from motor vehicles reported in 2015. LOL @firearm robberies )

  2. OrigensChild on July 3, 2017 at 9:23 am

    I have friends and family who are gun enthusiasts. They have been telling me the Czech Republic features a couple of companies there are producing weapons of quality equal to the German Ruger and Glock lines for a fraction of the cost. Not only does this make sense domestically for self-defense, it also makes sense economically. Why not exploit a local market and encourage self-reliance at the same time? Considering the depth of their product line I wonder how much of it will be available for public sale? It would not surprise me there will be some reasonable restrictions and a registration system, but this move affords some interesting opportunities for security in a place where the citizens are predisposed to cooperate with their government in matters domestic. As Basta pointed out below, there are several countries in this region who are predisposed to a well-trained, well-armed civilian militia as a key ingredient to their state’s security.

  3. Robert Barricklow on July 2, 2017 at 4:53 pm

    One of the goals to the mass shootings is gun control. These Gladio Style shootings each have multiple purposes; but a common core element is gun control. To get guns away from citizens[who became consumers, before being finally commoditized]. These corporate fascist who support oligarchies/monopolies thru their monopolization of currencies under the umbrella of the very private BIS. A BIS who has its own sovereignty; yet, denies any forced to used her currency any hint of sovereignty. Not only owning nation states; but, through gun control, defanging them to gumless, stateless wonders.

    • zendogbreath on July 2, 2017 at 10:38 pm

      good point rb. interesting that on the congressional baseball practice shooter that they never ganged that gong. instead the corporate media ranted about bernie bros being dangerous. and bernie’s radical rants as being responsible. like that’s an easy meme to sell, right? but sure enough they’re gonna give it a try. reminds me of hearing that liberals in italy were bombing people when i was a kid. i remember old brothers trying to splain it to me. and i just kept asking how is it possible for a bunch of gun control tree hugging hippies to get blamed for military operations in civilian areas? try googling ted nugent and advocacy of violence. then try googling bernie sanders on the same. fake news is getting so fake and so common people aren’t even giving it second nor third thoughts anymore. think second and third generation readers of pravda felt the same?

      • Robert Barricklow on July 3, 2017 at 11:36 am

        They’d joke that their history was like the Texas weather; changes very few minutes.

        • Robert Barricklow on July 3, 2017 at 11:54 am

          …every few minutes
          [like the keys on my quantum keyboard]

      • Pierre on July 3, 2017 at 10:20 pm

        and old one from our Proletarian brothers under arms to their exploited capitalist brothers.
        “at least we know our government is lying to us”..
        how that worm has turned.
        i can’t wait for the Chinese or Malaysians to invade Australia and the government wanting the citizens to rise up to defend their Banks.
        “sorry, I dont like guns, they are for terrorists and you cops would scare me too much if I did have a gun license, popping in 3 times in the first 3 months to check that I could not get the seperately stored barrell and ammo together in time to be useful for any invader aversion or wild dog scenario.”
        Martin Bryant, Port Arthur, didnt have any military training, shot like the Coffs Harbour marksman said he couldnt – 90% success rapidly – (and shots were heard from outside the cafe inside of which he was talking to the police on his phone… “come and see”.. or so I have been reliably told).
        Pell arrested? no, just summoned, cardinal cardiac arrest perhaps.
        Tip: Blame Rolf, that’s what the Queen does.

  4. anakephalaiosis on July 2, 2017 at 4:01 pm


    Lonesome me
    I am a son of a gun
    riding Wild West
    into the setting sun.

    At Prepper’s Inn
    flying pigs are roast
    smelling bacon
    from coast to coast.

  5. goshawks on July 2, 2017 at 3:13 pm

    (Modded. Ironically, probably because of “att1tude.” Let’s see…)

    JPF: “The bottom line? For Europeans, the USA is increasingly an unstable ally. For Britons, the EU is a mess, an infringement on British sovereignty, but the USA is also increasingly unstable. For America, Europe is a self-destructing suicidal mess (Thank you, Stockholm and Berlin), but is following many of the same policies. The bottom line is that the whole West is increasingly unstable, in my opinion largely because its leadership class has no more common cultural vision, and the Czechs are seeing the problem.”

    If you step back after reading these words and reflect on them, the obvious common-denominator is the banksters and their controllers. When one can destabilize a country (or a federation) simply by rolling-in or rolling-out a vast ‘slush fund’ of capital, no one is safe. (The only good news here is that the situation is becoming obvious to even the most-asleep people…)

    Att1tude is important here. There have been times & countries where some leaders tried a ‘beneficial dictatorship’ form of rule and the citizenry actually prospered. Now, do our present ‘hidden’ rulers (not my rulers) have this att1tude toward the citizenry? Or, do they remind one of the Harkonnen ruling class on their homeworld? (“Dune” reference.)

  6. goshawks on July 2, 2017 at 3:09 pm

    JPF: “The bottom line? For Europeans, the USA is increasingly an unstable ally. For Britons, the EU is a mess, an infringement on British sovereignty, but the USA is also increasingly unstable. For America, Europe is a self-destructing suicidal mess (Thank you, Stockholm and Berlin), but is following many of the same policies. The bottom line is that the whole West is increasingly unstable, in my opinion largely because its leadership class has no more common cultural vision, and the Czechs are seeing the problem.”

    If you step back after reading these words and reflect on them, the obvious common-denominator is the banksters and their controllers. When one can destabilize a country (or a federation) simply by rolling-in or rolling-out a vast ‘slush fund’ of capital, no one is safe. (The only good news here is that the situation is becoming obvious to even the most-asleep people…)

    Attitude is important here. There have been times & countries where some leaders tried a ‘beneficial dictatorship’ form of rule and the citizenry actually prospered. Now, do our present ‘hidden’ rulers (not my rulers) have this attitude toward the citizenry? Or, do they remind one of the Harkonnen ruling class on their homeworld? (“Dune” reference.)

  7. Aridzonan_13 on July 2, 2017 at 12:41 pm

    The 2nd Amendment should be one of our greatest exports. The Soro’s driven Islamic invasion has threatened all of Europe. Note, global conflict is the plan in their well known “Order Out of Chaos” motto.. Civil War II is on the drawing board for the U.S. Behold the IL, ME, CT and NJ budget meltdowns. Planned scarcity will be the trigger.

    The U.S. will have to deal with M.S. 13 and other possible sleeper cells that have waltzed across an unguarded border.. IMHO, there is a Gummint sponsored “Fast and Furious” del Norte happening now.. Only time will tell. Tien cuidado..

  8. marcos toledo on July 2, 2017 at 12:09 pm

    Our overlords wiseguys have brought this on themselves by failing to unite Europe properly. First by defining it’s borders the British Iles can be left out along with Scandinavia . Consolidate continental Europe and work out a deal with Russia but over the centuries they have willy failed to do this it’s their funeral.

  9. johnycomelately on July 2, 2017 at 7:59 am

    I wonder if there is an AI designed for social programming and social change, after all the data acquisition through social media and the internet the number crunching and gaming scenarios wouldn’t be that difficult to execute.

    Reminds me of the old cartoon and comic, The Hall of Justice where the ‘super friends’ (wink wink – multiculturalism) used to analyse clues via a super computer (AI).

    Real question is there a ‘master plan’, is it an emergent mind dictating the show, an AI playing out a game, masters of the universe playing with the sheeple, humans just being stupid or us barbarians just not accepting the benevolence of our overlords.

    Still, I’d rather keep my gun.

  10. DanaThomas on July 2, 2017 at 5:54 am

    The text of this proposal obviously needs study, and certainly has fertile ground in the increasing interference by the Brussels-Berlin Reichskommissars. Nevertheless, this mention of t5rrorism injects a heavy dose of ambiguity and could open the way to Gladio-style events which until now have been rare in former Warsaw Pact countries.

    • DanaThomas on July 2, 2017 at 5:57 am

      For example, in some staged attack, an individual, for whatever reason, might actually be killed, thanks to intervention by a “vigilant member of the public”. Who could actually be a member of “special forces”. Anyway, as experts will tell you it takes military-style training to learn how to use these automatic weapons. And then there is the problem – at least for non-psychopaths – of judging whether to REALLY press the trigger to fire against another human being. As far as the Czechs are specifically concerned, this seems to be symbolic more than anything, interest in firearms basically regarding a minority, unlike Switzerland where there actually IS a gun in every household. Now the Czech small arms industry is renowned. Maybe they want to expand in the domestic market…

      • Phil the Thrill on July 2, 2017 at 10:15 am

        That’s why I don’t pay attention to “experts”, Dana. It does not take military-style training to learn how to use any firearm.
        Also…I do not believe that the possibility of an armed human interfering in a government-staged false-flag “mass shooting” is reason to keep him or her from defending his or her self.
        As the good Doctor pointed out, whether the Czech government is “recognizing” a right versus “conferring” a right makes all the difference. As you hopefully know, Dana, any government that assumes authority to “confer” rights that should properly be “recognized,” is illegitimate.

        • DanaThomas on July 2, 2017 at 10:51 am

          Well, I’ll take your word for it about the training 🙂

          • Phil the Thrill on July 2, 2017 at 11:23 am

            My dear, I would no more advise you to take my word for anything, than I would advise you to listen to an “expert.” ;^)

          • zendogbreath on July 2, 2017 at 10:28 pm

            military training is invaluable. the internet is rife with closed caption video examples and training examples of robberies foiled by armed (not-so) victims. states in the ussa with open carry and concealed carry are providing more and more examples and similar videos of armed predators being turned back. brazil, venezeula and argentina seem to publish a couple such videos a week.

            what will be interesting is the inevitable case of armed not so victimized victims catching such terrorists alive and learning who their paymasters are. sooner or later false flags will out. lies and gladios have a habit of exposing themselves. now it no rights countries like england, australia,…. unarmed citizens will not get the opportunity as often nor as soon to find out who’s behind their domestic terrorists.

  11. basta on July 2, 2017 at 5:51 am

    Well actually they are doing this not against terrorism but against the EU.

    Unsurprisingly, the countries lying in the no-man’s land between Western Europe and the Russian East have traditionally supported gun rights. You can draw a wavy line roughly along 20 degrees east longitude and it encompasses all these states: Finland, Poland, the Czechs, Hungary, the Swiss and the Serbs.

    And yes, the West is unstable because a large percentage of the population is awakening to the depredations and agenda of the Globolshevik elites, and is starting to take action to save themselves. This will only escalate as the elites close in on their goals in a kind of Zeno paradox where the goal becomes harder and harder to accomplish the closer they get to it because of increasing push-back and resistance caused by their plans becoming increasing obvious and oppressive.

    • goshawks on July 2, 2017 at 3:23 pm

      Basta, well said!

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