There has been some unusual news from the world of physics lately, and though they were certainly not released in any fashion that suggests that they are related, being just a hack from South Dakota, I cannot help but wonder if they are. Indeed, certain features of both stories rang a bell, so to speak. The first story was shared by Mr. V.T., and it has to do with mathematical modeling of a Traversable Acausal Retrograde Domain in Space-time, or TARDIS as they're suggestively calling it:

Physicists Just Came Up With a Mathematical Model For a Viable Time Machine

In order to harness this theoretical property, the physicists propose creating a kind of 'bubble' of space-time geometry, which carries whatever's inside it through space and time along a large circular path.

If this bubble can hit speeds greater than the speed of light - something the pair say is mathematically possible - this would allow it to move backwards in time.

"It is a box which travels 'forwards' and then 'backwards' in time along a circular path through spacetime," the researchers explain in their paper.


In other words, the external observer would see two versions of the objects inside the time machine: one version evolving forwards in time, the other backwards.

Ok, simple enough: we all get that, but what's important here is the idea of curvature to create this "bubble," and incredible super-luminous velocities. I'm bold to suggest that what they're really doing is manifest by changing the word "curvature" to the word(s) rotation and spin. This is important for the second article I received this week on the topic. We'll get back to that in a moment.

For the present, however, the problem is the lack of exotic enough materials to create the mass-and-spin/rotation conditions to make all this possible.

That's why this article sent by Mr. T.M. also caught my eye:

A Rare Element From The Edge of The Periodic Table Is Breaking Quantum Mechanics

Notably, both articles appeared on the same website, though separated by seven months. Here the cause of the fuss is that electrons in the actinide elements are not behaving like they should (the very heavy synthetic elements at the bottom of the periodic table; actinides that naturally occur in nature on Earth end at uranium, the rest, neptunium, plutonium, and, for the purposes of this article, berkelium, have to be synthesized):

Among this cast of unknowns, berkelium looks to be even stranger than we realised. New experiments with this incredibly rare synthetic element have shown that its electrons don't behave the way they should, defying quantum mechanics.

"It's almost like being in an alternate universe because you're seeing chemistry you simply don't see in everyday elements," says chemist Thomas Albrecht-Schmitt from Florida State University.


What Albrecht-Schmitt and fellow researchers discovered is that when it comes to berkelium, and other heavy elements, the principles of quantum mechanics can't actually explain what the electrons are doing.

Instead, it looks like the electrons are governed by Einstein's theory of relativity, which predicts that as objects with mass move faster, they get heavier.

In terms of the electrons in berkelium, the thinking goes that as the electrons begin to move at extremely fast speeds around each atom's highly charged nucleus – at up to significant fractions of the speed of light – this causes them to become heavy, and behave in ways that defy a quantum explanation of events.

(Is Shroedinger's cat both alive and dead at the same "moment" to an observer outside the bubble?)

"When you see this interesting phenomenon, you start asking yourself all these questions like how can you make it stronger or shut it down," says Albrecht-Schmitt. (Emphasis added)

By "making things stronger" what Mr. Albrecht-Schmitt appears to be saying is "speeding up the motion of the electrons" will make the element even heavier(while not changing its chemical composition), which, pace general relatively, will begin to exert a curving effect on local space-time(i.e., what does a molecule of berkelium "look like" in more than four dimensions?). The problem, however, as most physicists know, is that Einstein posited this effect for very large masses in space, like planets and stars, not milligrams of berkelium.  The quest to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity is indeed the great quest of contemporary theoretical physics, and has been so for some time, birthing a variety of models to attempt to unify the two. What the article is therefore suggesting is that there appear to be localized minute relativistic effects in a few milligrams of berkelium and that these relativist effects are in turn breaking down normal quantum predictions of behavior. If so, then that will be good news to physicists trying to find models by which to unite the two theories, for it might provide empirical data affording a clue as to how to do so. By suggesting "how can you make it stronger or shut it down," Mr. Albrecht-Schmitt is really saying "we need to find out how to control this."

There's another high octane possibility lurking in all this. Recall that in the first article what was lacking to make the "time bubble" work were the exotic materials capable of bending space-time in a multitude of directions, so to speak. And now the actinides - or at least one of them - appear to be doing something approximating that. Or to put it country simple, we may already possess materials of quasi-exotic nature that approximate what is needed (and in that context, think of the transuranic elements, like ununpentium (115) and so on), and which can be studied for some of these effects. It also recalls our hypothesis that nuclear and thermonuclear detonations interact with the local fabric of space-time to transduce energy into those reactions from that localized lattice structure (shades of the claims of Dr. Ronald Richter made decades ago: they're "time bombs" in a very deep sense). My high octane speculative suspicion is that certain aspects of all these phenomena might have been known for a long time in the covert projects world, and that things are beginning to "leak out" as the public realm of experimental science is noticing similar phenomena that it can no longer ignore. And it all appears to come down to...

...rotation, rotation, rotation.

See you on the flip side...

Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. M11S on November 3, 2017 at 4:42 am

    This sounds like something that could fit into Einstein Cartan Evans theory.

  2. mark branham on October 10, 2017 at 10:13 am


    Whenever I read something that just doesn’t make sense to me one of two things is going on…. either I simply are too dense to understand or, the author is. As I am not trained in a single one of Joseph’s disciplines I must assume it’s me. Which means I revert to known facts to work my way around newly presented info.

    which are:
    Humans are the lowest form of intelligent life in the universe.
    Our destiny, if we pursue the righteous path is, is far closer to divinity than we can presently imagine.
    Time is a construct of the material universe.
    Even created beings with an inherent intelligence far above what we can imagine study the working of the universes of time and space as well as the central universe of infinity where time is non-existence.

    So we (humans) are not only not scratching the surface of knowledge, we don’t even have the innate intelligence to know where the surface is… but we keep trying anyway because that is the nature of humans.

    Even in death we gain nothing but the knowledge that life goes on.

    So, nice try Mr. Farrell, at least one of us knows what we’re talking about.

  3. chiropractor69 on October 10, 2017 at 3:22 am

    Associate these and you may have some answers:
    Double-slit experiment
    Dr. James Gates Jr
    The Matrix
    Philip K Dick (France 1977)
    2. The Principle of Correspondence
    A creator creating consciousness lower that itself
    Sympathetic Magic
    6. The Principle of Cause and Effect.
    D-Wave Computing
    Mandela effect
    A.I. out of the box and creating a language
    Tower of Babel: Let us confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.
    A creator creating consciousness higher than it’s self.

  4. goshawks on October 9, 2017 at 7:52 pm

    It must have taken the scientists some time to warp (hah!) the word-possibilities to get the acronym of TARDIS. I guess Ben Tippett, from the University of British Columbia in Canada must be senior over David Tsang, an astrophysicist at the University of Maryland. The Brits won the naming game. I would have preferred some twisting (hah!) of the word-possibilities to get the acronym of DeLorean or FluxCapacitor. Oh, well…

    Part of this is old-hat. The tachyon has been theorized to exist, long ago. Just fancier math around it.

    On the second paper, there is ” previous research involving berkelium compounds published last year by the same team”:
    “However, from a range of spectroscopic techniques and quantum mechanical calculations, it is clear that spin-orbit coupling contributes significantly to berkelium’s multiconfigurational ground state.” and
    “An overall conclusion from this study is that spin-orbit coupling plays a large role in determining the ground state of late actinide compounds.”

    It sounds like “spin-orbit coupling” would be a good area to dig-into with exotic elements/isotopes…

    (I still think that the “Battlestar Galactica” Mark II way of faster-than-light travel is more likely than the “Star Trek” or “Star Wars” way. In the first, you just popped-out-of-existence in this universe and then popped-back-into-existence in this universe in a different place. Nothing between. [They did not develop this aspect, but possibly in a different time?] In the last two, there was a ‘bubble’ that the ship was within. Some sort of ‘time’ was experienced within the warp-universe. Somehow, the first ‘rings’ more true to me.]

  5. anakephalaiosis on October 9, 2017 at 6:04 pm

    Standing stone (ᛥ) symbolizes standstill in the center of spinning time.

    Delia Murphy – The Spinning Wheel

    Timekeeping is celestial spin, and “heaven on earth”, since perfect heavenly order is clock (ᚸ) and calendar (ᛤ) . It is interesting that that megalithic structures make seeds grow faster, as if being jumpstarted. Perhaps it works both ways.

    • anakephalaiosis on October 10, 2017 at 4:30 am

      Man is a bioelectric system, and clan is a corpus as well. Center of attention is a center of social gravity. Point is that collective soul can be directed to merge with bioelectric systems, through mental synchronization, by basically following an idea.

      An analogue computer can be set up and programmed with a basic set of operators, like rune symbols or hieroglyphs. If it works on clan level, it will also work on national level. It will not work equally globally though, since mindset is blood bound.

      Closing a circle is a spin, and it will always manifest itself as circle and center. There will always be a head on a corpus, and a capstone on a pyramid. John Doe did not invent these operators. It is just an archaeological excavation into ancient poetic languages, looking for a manual to a spaceship.

      It is basically Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. Thus it is predicted in biblical prophecy.

      The Stone Kingdom:

  6. Robert Barricklow on October 9, 2017 at 11:37 am

    What says there are only two states:
    quantum and classical physics.
    Why not another
    undiscovered realm of reality?

    • Robert Barricklow on October 9, 2017 at 11:38 am

      Time will tell?

  7. basta on October 9, 2017 at 6:14 am

    Oh how I hate to say it but shades of Bob Lazaar.

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