
Well, no sooner than I had posted today's blogs about Italy, there's more news. First, France and Germany appear to be headed for a showdown about who gets to play Charlemagne; secondly, Italy has given the nod to Florentine attorney Giuseppi Conte. As I said in today'd main blog, this is going to be fun:

German economists slam Macron's eurozone reform agenda

Giuseppe Conte approved for Italian prime minister

Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. DanaThomas on May 28, 2018 at 3:57 am

    Italy: this is the booklet by the man whom bankster oligarchs can’t stand, showing that so-called European economic integration is a carbon copy of the Nazi project under Reichsminister Funk (Joseph too has pointed this out in his research). But now the cat is out of the bag to a much wider public.

  2. zendogbreath on May 28, 2018 at 1:15 am

    too easy to miss out the import of culture over how the mind is formed and works.

    watch a few youtubes on calcio storico

  3. goshawks on May 27, 2018 at 11:28 pm

    “Italy in Chaos: Country to Vote Again after President Blocks Government; ‘Unclear What Happens Next'”
    “In what may have been the worst possible outcome of this weekend’s events in Italy, Rome finds itself on the verge of a Europe-sponsored consti tutional [hah!] crisis.”

  4. goshawks on May 24, 2018 at 9:52 pm

    Babylon 5 persists in the public’s mind! From Zerohedge today:

    “No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There’s always a boom tomorrow…”
    ~ Susan Ivanova, “Babylon 5”

  5. marcos toledo on May 24, 2018 at 7:38 pm

    Have not been down this road before the Franco-Holy-Roman-German Empire wars from the middle ages to today. The northern Europeans know conquer not how to rule, they confuse loan sharking with running an economy.

    • marcos toledo on May 24, 2018 at 7:39 pm


  6. goshawks on May 24, 2018 at 6:29 pm

    Stepping back for a moment: When I was in college studying Marketing, one of the major themes was the importance of Churn. The human animal is so distractable that anything must be done to get your ‘product’ back into the foreground. Hence, Churn…

    If your ‘product’ is the *ahem* cold-blooded enslavement of the human race, Churn is your friend. Drama is your friend. It really doesn’t matter what is causing the waves; only that the human animals are caught-up in a Matrix-like encapsulation. (“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain…”)

    Posting the following, just because it keeps popping-up in my mind (first time in decades) after listening to this Nefarium:

    “Hey there, Little Red Riding Hood
    You sure are looking good
    You’re everything a big bad wolf could want…

    I’m gonna keep my sheep suit on
    Until I’m sure that you’ve been shown
    That I can be trusted walking with you alone

    Little Red Riding Hood
    You sure are looking good
    You’re everything that a big bad wolf could want
    Owoooooooo! I mean baaaaaa! Baaa?”

    (“Li’l Red Riding Hood” by Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs, 1966)

    • Nidster - on May 26, 2018 at 4:57 am

      BRILLIANT!! Humanity is ENTANGLED in a Matrix-like encapsulation.

    • Robert Barricklow on May 26, 2018 at 11:09 am

      My term for the churn, “Guantanamo Bay Music”.
      It’s being played all over hell & back.

  7. DownunderET on May 24, 2018 at 6:12 pm

    The EU is a slow train wreck, I mean just look at the clowns running it. Why the French elected Macron is beyond belief and the rest of them are no better.
    It will be very interesting to see what Italy will do, will we have a “Italexit”?

  8. Dag from Ringerike on May 24, 2018 at 4:46 pm

    I have been following the development of the sovereign bond market for several years, remembering the 10yus advancing from about 1.70 a couple of years ago to the level today, spiked about 3.15 and was put down to about 3 % today. And interestingly the italian 10yit went up from about 1.95 to above 2.40 in a week. Both the 10yus and the 10yit were hammered down on this Thursday. A possible Central Bank coordinated effort (in a panic mode?). Michael Pento´s opinion is that the Central Banks can not contain the prices of bonds. What is happening to the emerging markets will also spread into ”the Western markets”.

    I was a couple of days ago going through my vast paper files archive of many years downloading to see what is worth to conserve or to expell. I found a very intersting interview by Lars Schall with the economist Guido Preparata from 2012. He has written several books, ”Conjuring Hitler, How Britain and America made The Third Reich”, Pluto Press 2005, and ”The Ideology of Tyranny. The Neo-Gnostic Myth in American Politics”, Palgrave Macmillan 2011. I have to admit that I hva not read his books ( I have to buy them this summer), but Lars Schall managed to let Guido Preparata coming up with several important viewpoints. And I recommend to read this interview inabrutly, because you then can be absorbing his general view of finance an geopolitic.

    So here is his opinion what was the reason for the Euro to come into excistence and the consistencies. There is a long answer to Lars Schalls question, but I have copied it here to you.
    L.S.: Do you see the crisis in the euro zone as purely home-made or is there in your view some reasonable suspicion that the Anglo-American financial capital wants to keep the rival EU / Germany small? In other words, does the financial crisis in the euro zone originate in the shortcomings of its construction, or is the crisis being manufactured for an ulterior motive?
    G.P.: French economist Alain Cotta explained the Euro-set-up very well in a recent book (Sortir de l’Euro ou mourir à petit feu, Plon, 2011). The Euro is as un-European as could be: it is evidently the brainchild of Anglo-American interests. The intent, as ever, is to constrict Europe financially so as to render it politically incapable of striking out on its own, and eventually asserting itself once more as the chief continental rival.
    The idea of the Euro is as follows: first, assign the lead to Germany as chief partner / banker / accomplice of the plan, chief economic force of the Union, and chief exporter; then let all the other weaker players (PIGs, Spain, Italy), who produce virtually nothing, indebt themselves vis-à-vis Germany and Anglo-American banks, which, in turn, make good money from the yield on these Euro-bonds (the debt spiral). Concomitantly, any kind of manufacturing / artisanal potential on the part of Europe’s minor partners is systematically wrecked and incapacitated by the flood of Chinese imports (China: the other key accomplice in this triangular crippling of Europe), which are themselves crafted by laborers slaving for wages that are less than a tenth of the West’s.
    Thus Europe, partly through Anglo-America’s strategic savvy and mostly through her own despairing fecklessness, is perennially fettered, constipated, anemic, moribund. That Greece would have been the first link to snap was known far and wide ever since this dismal show was launched ten years ago. Funny to see how, for the past year or so, The Economist has been shrieking hysterically over the Euro crisis, depicting in apocalyptic brushstrokes the prospects of its eventual collapse: funny, and revealing, to see British interests wailing so loudly, they, who are not even members of the Euro (!). Eh bien, justement.
    So, his view is that the Euro was a Anglo-American set-up. To sequester the yields from the bonds and fool the Germans to finance their exports via buying the bonds from Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece. Over 90 % of the bailout loans to Greece has gone mainly to the predatory, German, French, British and US banks. Martin Armstrong is saying that the Euro is a disaster in the waiting because when they constructed the Euro, they did not concolidated the bonds. This attempt by the banker puppit Macron, to concolidate the bonds, it looks to me that the train has left the station. For the Germans and the French, either solutions, to consolidate the bonds or to have ”The Italian way”, it will be a disaster for the pension funds in both ways (in the making), but he banks will be bailed out.


    • Dag from Ringerike on May 24, 2018 at 5:05 pm

      I am sorry, I forgot to put up the link to the interview by Lars Schall. Here it is.

      • Dag from Ringerike on May 24, 2018 at 5:27 pm

        I found this article at zerohedge today; ” Russia will ditch the Dollar in favour of the Euro”. If Guido Preparata is right, the Euro is a British-American construct, and then if this is coming true, well the Euro will be sacrificed in this geopolitical game. Time will see what is going to happen.


      • DanaThomas on May 25, 2018 at 1:34 am

        Lars Schalls is the man who pointed out in his blog that the 5-euro note that came out a few years ago is covered with lots of tiny swastikas (you almost need a good lens to see them). The German artist replied something to the effect that the Hakenkreuzen were merely a “stylized design”. Since then Schalls seems to have been very much shunned by the media.

        • Nidster - on May 26, 2018 at 4:42 am

          Perhaps being “shunned by today’s media” could be a badge of honor!

    • Robert Barricklow on May 24, 2018 at 5:28 pm

      Or, bailed-in?
      How can your country have sovereignty when you don’t even have your own currency? A country should issue its own currency. It should not be controlled by a private entity outside the country. That’s a no-brainer!
      It’s like giving up your country’s rights for a fake security?
      Another no-brainer.
      Yet, as in Dr. Farrell’s The Third Way – a WW1 blueprint of government structure is virtually taking shape in the European Union. This is purposed structural violence; and, it’s being writ on a global corporate fascist scale.
      An international private reserve currency that wants to be cashless. But, in their way are those who still have some brains and won’t give up their money sovereignty nor their rights for fake fiat private currency or a false sense of security.

      • Robert Barricklow on May 24, 2018 at 7:30 pm

        Will Berlin finally build that proverbial railroad to Baghdad?

  9. Robert Barricklow on May 24, 2018 at 11:32 am

    “A German Cage”. Loved It!!!

    How to arrange the structural violence?

    To myself; it’s more of:
    Socialize the costs; privatize the profits.
    Now the question is how those profits are to be shared;
    and whose people are going to bear
    the heavier burdens of the ensuing socialized costs?

    Let the political games begin.
    Remember –
    All is fair in love & war.

  10. DanaThomas on May 24, 2018 at 4:37 am

    I’ve put up a note on my fakebook page suggesting (for those who haven’t yet realized how the world works) that when Italian politicians and media say the word “Europe”, to try replacing it with the word “Germany”; and things will be clearer for everybody.

    • Nidster - on May 26, 2018 at 4:27 am

      Good observation!

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