RT TV, and the RT website, as you are aware, is one of my favorite sites, and now it would appear that they are coming to grips with the emerging transhumanism-alchemy technocratic agenda (and my thanks to co-author Scott D deHart for bringing this to my attention):

First the EU, next Frankenstein? Nobel Committee’s decision ‘farcical’ – RT’s Max Keiser

As I am writing this blog, I am also listening to a popular American talk show host, commenting in disbelief on the Nobel committee's decision to award the peace prize to the European Union. Of course, these prizes are nothing but fake awards dreamed up by the elites to award themselves prizes to legitimize their policies. But as I listen to this host, he comments that, because of the EU, neo-Nazism and Fascism are on the rise throughout Europe.

Well, gee, no surprise there really, is there? As I recall, that was the plan of a certain Parteireichsleiter all along, wasn't it?

But I digress. In any case, the idea that the EU is bringing about "peace" is, as Keiser rightly observes, laughable and hypocritical in the extreme, as Europe melts down and secessionist movements and protests grow in regions that are fed up - justifiably - with having to foot the banksters' bill in Brussels.

But even more to the point is RT's and Keiser's focus on the Frankenstein-transhumanist nature of agribusiness companies like Mon(ster)santo, and the Nobel Peace prize's abominable track record (recall only its granting of the prize to Barmitt Obromneyack only mere days into his mis-administration). The point here is that RT began to enter the cultural critique business some time ago, and by drawing attention to such issues as Mon(ster)santo and GMO food in the context of wider critique of elitist "awards" such as the Nobel, means that we can expect more such cultural criticism, and critique, coming from Russia through its media organs, and this, too, is a crucial component of the emerging geopolitical conflicts. As the USA has turned "democracy" into a weapon of covert operations in the color revolutions, we can expect, and I predict, a growing trend within Russia and Eastern Europe to respond with ever more trenchant comments of the deeply rooted hypocrisies emerging in Western culture, as an effect of the corrupted elites that now dominate it.  Keiser's humorous rants are but the first salvos in something that, in my estimation, will quickly become much more academic. RT is pointedly saying that this corrupt oligarchy's plans have been manifestly disastrous, and their proposed solutions are even more so. The western oligarchs are squarely in the crosshairs now, and RT has served notice.

Which brings me to a question that a couple of people emailed me about, with respect to Putin's attempts to purge Russia's Yeltsin-era oligarchy of those sock puppets of that Western oligarchy. Why, someone asked me, do they not, with all their vast intelligence resources, not simply "take out" those Western oligarchs?

The answer is provided by history, when both the Soviets and the British were considering various ways to assassinate Hitler during World War Two. As the war increasingly turned against Germany - largely do to a series of decisional blunders by Hitler - both the Russians and the British decided it was far better to leave their enemy's leadership in the hands of incompetence, than to get rid of it.  And the Western leadership is showing all the similar signs of an incompetence born and bred of boundless cronyism and corruption.

See you on the flip side.

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. Hammer on October 26, 2012 at 2:50 pm

    The EU is so corrupt, that all I will say is that any depth of depravity, and powermadness you can think of , exemplifies this group of self-diluded, selfish, and glorified “grocery clerks”, who make their laws for us in their territory, just like a gang in LA.

  2. kamutef on October 25, 2012 at 8:52 pm

    Spot on. It’s like something out of James Bond. The ruling cabal is the Bond villain, swollen with hubris and hell bent on some sort of messianic oligarchic world domination backed by means of ever more fiendish technology.

    • Hammer on October 26, 2012 at 3:05 pm

      I find these days, if I read a James Bond novel or see a 007 film, the realty is there. Hard to believe but true.

  3. HAL838 on October 25, 2012 at 4:33 pm

    “Transhumanism” seems to mean a different thing
    to almost anyone you care to ask…
    from something mostly robot, to some
    kind of ascension to another dimension,
    to “we will be as gods, knowing good from evil”
    [now that one makes me crack a smile]
    to our DNA is rushing along waiting for us
    to keep up………….
    take your pick for a very individualized
    hhmm…what’s wrong with this picture (?)

    • Hammer on October 26, 2012 at 3:08 pm

      I think transhumanism is turning us humans into robots. A robot can never be a human, but a human can become like a robot.

      • HAL838 on October 26, 2012 at 4:59 pm

        Oh, I’m not so sure.
        I think their ‘human robots’ serve the Elite
        very well.
        Smart buggers, too!
        They seem to have made an X Class flare
        and CME (gamma burst) just disappear.
        Now that’s impressive !

        And they have really been prepping CT
        for the “Frankenstorm”…
        chemtrailing the crap in midstate…
        seeing the chemtrails by day over the
        cover put down overnight.

  4. Neru on October 25, 2012 at 11:54 am

    The fear in the european countries where it is not as bad as Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy is very tangeble. But sadly why the fear is there is repressed.
    Taking responsability is difficult and going politically right wing is easyer. For most the hope is still there this cup of poverty will pass them by and the political leaders will save the day.

  5. Robert Barricklow on October 25, 2012 at 8:46 am

    Thr Nobel Committee could have been more direct and just given the peace price to NATO, but giving it to the “EU”, was but mere “cloaking” maneuver.
    Saw the Max Keiser Report on this(actually it’s ongoing report) and it was great.
    Rt is also a regular site I visit.
    Especially enjoyed the post today as it expresses many of my viewpoints as well.

  6. marcos toledo on October 25, 2012 at 7:02 am

    Europeans have been doing this for centuries remember the so called Crusades,the Age of Discovery,Gunboat Diplomacy fighting with Persia about to get hot again these Marching Morans never never never learn at all stuct in the same grove.

    • kamutef on October 25, 2012 at 8:56 pm

      Very true, a quick pause for breath to rebuild the destruction and raise a few more generations of soldiers and they’re at it again,

  7. Yaj on October 25, 2012 at 6:08 am


    “And the Western leadership is showing all the similar signs of an incompetence born and bred of boundless cronyism and corruption.”

    In other words self-satisfied navel gazing. Sort of like teapartiers or hard core defenders of Russia’s own misadventures who’ve never read a book containing ideas that they don’t agree with–there are other variations too.

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