Giza Community Member’s Area

Dr. Farrell answers questions about the material in the Giza Community Members Area, after the most recent set of dialogue/interview episodes. 4.5min

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  1. shockandawe on October 8, 2013 at 2:28 pm

    Here, here! Best education on the planet.

    Say Doc…why hasn’t Hollywood picked up on some of your works?

    Oh…no need to answer that one…its as plain as the hieroglyphs on the wall !

    But seriously, your research, the Bell for example, would make a great movie.
    Again, the movie could never do your books justice.

    Just me musing along again.

    Thanks for your tireless efforts!

  2. Jon on October 1, 2013 at 12:06 pm

    Definitely way worth the money! I’ve been on board for years and it is one of the best values on the net.

    Way cheaper than a college class, and easily as rigorous as many that I’ve seen (if you could even find one on these subjects). Farrell is one of the smarrtest, clearest thinking, and best organized Phds I’ve ever seen.

    The member area videos and vidchats are very much like a really good seminar on all the subjects Dr. Farrell covers (and I work with such things for a living).

    In addition to the educational aspect, it is often just plain fun. The interaction between Dr. Farrell and Daniel in the members’ area videos is better than most TV shows or movies, IMHO.

    If you like his work at all, you should join.

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