
Those Saudi oil field attacks, the USA says it was Iran, Iran says no it wasn't, the (out)House of Saud says yes it was, Japan says no it wasn't... what does the money and damage say?

US Officials: Aramco Attack Came From "Iranian Soil"; Pompeo To Release 'Evidence'

Damage At Saudi Oil Plant Points To Well Targeted Swarm Attack


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Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. goshawks on September 20, 2019 at 8:03 pm

    (When I got near finishing the below comment, my computer again froze hard. I had to physically pull the plug, again. That is unusual, again; make of it what you will. Save early and save often…)

    Jim Stone on the Saudi oil refinery ‘attack’ via an earlier comment of mine. JS believes it was a false flag, inflicted by the House of Saud on themselves:
    Joseph wonders why the Saudis would hurt their own cash-flow by shutting-down their own facilities. Others have mentioned that House of Saud is preparing a huge IPO of Aramco, their fully-owned oil company. The Saudi princes have been complaining about low oils prices and that effect on their offering. They have tried to restrict OPEC oil production, but that has not worked in the currently chaotic environment. One good way to bump-up oil prices is to shut-down facilities by an attack. Speculators have already bumped-up oil prices by 20%. Any bets on whether those prices will fall in the near future? And so, House of Saud gets higher selling-prices for their IPO offering…

    Also, there is the matter of the Saudi “evidence” presented:
    “Saudis Reveal ‘Evidence’ Attacks “Unquestionably Sponsored” by Iran with Drone & Missile Debris”
    Note the spacing of the vertical wingtips in the drone debris. Maybe 10 ft across, which implies a small vehicle. Then, note that a flight from Iran to that facility is 300-500 miles. Quite a lot for a small bird. And then, note that the LNG storage tanks were all hit in exactly the same spot – suspicious in itself – on the West side of the tanks. Iran is to the North. Duh…

    Another article from ZH. Take from it what you will:
    “‘Suspiciously Well Placed’: First Images of Crippling Damage to Giant Khurais Oil Field Revealed”
    zerohedge dot com/energy/first-images-crippling-damage-giant-khurais-oil-field-revealed

    • goshawks on September 20, 2019 at 8:12 pm

    • zendogbreath on September 20, 2019 at 11:13 pm

      I am still voting the usual suspects as most likely. SA tops that list. With help from their friends who more than easily could have surveilled to see exactly what happened and told the world in clear undeniable pictures instead of Pompeian blurs.

      With what you stated, the Harkonnens in SA are not so dumb as to offer Aramco cheap. That idea is practically proven by the fact that SA oil production was hardly hurt even after initial claims it was halved.

    • goshawks on September 23, 2019 at 1:06 am

      “Oil Set to Spike after Report Saudi Repairs at Abqaiq may take ‘Up to Eight Months'”
      “The official reason for the delay: the supply-chain is unable to respond to the Saudi needs. Specifically, Aramco is ‘in emergency talks with equipment makers and service providers, offering to pay premium rates for parts and repair work as it attempts a speedy recovery from missile attacks on its largest oil-processing facilities.’

      The unofficial, and more likely, version: Aramco is unhappy with how quickly oil prices dropped after the ‘Iranian attack’, and since its objective from the very beginning – especially with its IPO looming – was to get oil prices higher, and with its reputation to prevent ‘outside shocks’ in tatters, it is now creating its own bottlenecks in restoring output.

      The only question for Saudi Arabia is whether it can pull of the Aramco IPO in time, while Brent prices are still high, and before the ‘longer-run’ arrives.”

  2. Robert Barricklow on September 20, 2019 at 6:25 pm

    Change the story as the narrative strays from desired paths? Another weapons of mass deception narrative towards another war-for-profits, treasures, and antiquity in the prophesized 7 Middle East countries? Photos will soon be manufacture to show proof?

  3. Beckysue on September 20, 2019 at 4:40 am

    What about The U.K. Or Israel? Regular OR Deep State.

  4. anakephalaiosis on September 20, 2019 at 2:56 am


    Geopold Swampington started spying,
    by cheating, stealing and lying,
    and while placing blame
    in other’s name,
    his crocodile began crying.

  5. Nidster - on September 20, 2019 at 2:15 am

    The one thing I believe is true is that ‘whoever’ is behind the attack on the Saudi’s oil facilities would like to have the blame laid at the feet of one of the ‘usual suspects’. So, that boils down to my belief it is most likely none of the ‘usual suspects’ who would be capable of carrying out the attack were ‘directly’ responsible. So, who does that leave as the ‘most likely’ suspect? Perhaps some ‘actor’ that seeks to keep the ‘usual’ actors divided against each other.

    • Nidster - on September 20, 2019 at 2:56 am

      I betcha whoever was behind the attacks made a fortune buying and selling options in various oil markets prior to the attack, and then sold out after the market reacted to the attack. A typical financing scheme used by nefarious players. So, perhaps a review of the ‘option trades’ in the futures markets would reveal some interesting clues. Just sayin’

  6. Richard on September 20, 2019 at 1:22 am

    Currently foggy intelligence, at best, and probably meant to be. Not one to add a flashpoint to your “high octane speculations” or be a source of rebutting aggravation, but one is not as trusting of the powers that be in Tehran, i.e.,[because the Japanese PM was in Tehran back in June, for instance, why would they. . . ]. If one may be so bold to say, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is NOT to be trusted, a position of recognition they earned to be sure. In part, it makes them a major player in the region and cause to think twice sometimes thrice about engaging from a global perspective. Overt glass making of the region is not a humane option.

    These recent attacks, not unlike the Japanese tanker attack last June have characteristics, albeit, sophisticated characteristics, that smack of Parthian Shot tactics ancient Iranians were known for and ARE still known for undertaking. There are those who might suggest that it is a redeeming Iranian tactical quality from the time of Darius I, but Darius the Great (Darius I) was best known for his administrative genius – He was a builder of an empire, not the treacherous types now in power in Tehran and of the Guard. They make nice – pick out furniture – then stab in the back with the sole purpose of removing Darius’ tolerance of those (you know who) in the region. Although, Darius’ meetings with whom are now ‘the west,’ the Greeks then, did not go over very well then having tried several times to conquer Greece. Ask yourself, “How many times have those few powers that be in Tehran tried to conquer the west or its interests in the region?” They’re not Darius nor are they builders of empires. One could also ask, “What western influence and / or influencers play into that region as antagonists toward the regime in Tehran? And for what purpose(s)?”

    From this side of the monitor those Saudi assets attacked seem as if another Parthian Shot that fizzled to failure leaving damage yet to be repaired to draw out the west to rashly act (more likely, give away tactics, sources, and methods of surveillance) but with consequences upon one of its neighbors to get the oil flowing from Iranian wells. It was another desperate act. “Are the Iranians building in Yemen or simply conquering to spite The House of Saud?” They’re a vengeful lot in no uncertain terms and skilled at being treacherous while pulling strings. That the Japanese PM was in Tehran is an excellent distraction from otherwise alternative motives in the gulf and straits and does not negate blatant acts by the IRGC to carry out manipulative actions toward some strategic goal at the same time unbeknown to the press(es), especially, if plausible deniability is well in place.

    When one considers that tanker hit by an inline missile like projectile (a sailors account) that did not do the damage some expected, was quickly removed at its point of impact at sea, and seemingly unexpectedly documented, that drone tactic and subsequent drone was sacrificed to the aggressor. Unmanned, yes, but sacrificed. Such tactics are less likely to be readily sacrificed in the future in the name of fool hardy transparency or let’s be friends one and all. . . In a pig’s eye, too.

    Dealing with a dozen or so variables of war to include psycho-social, economic, and / or kinetic deployment of ordnance of choice, there remain multiple avenues to strike, impede, and retreat to use to deceive and deflect an adversary. The Bear in the north busy with Baltic pipelines and Dragons of the eastern Asian mainland not yet best friends with the west have their goals and purposes for seeking out resources around the globe. In some ways, it’s a global game of “Risk” and chance with real consequences and bloody noses.

  7. Aussie Girl on September 20, 2019 at 12:24 am

    In relation to the attack at the Saudi Oil Refinery, I attach a link providing further information on WHO may have been involved.

    Please Dr Farrell review for further high octane speculation.
    Cheers Aussie Girl

  8. marcos toledo on September 19, 2019 at 8:09 pm

    Fifth Columnist might be the ones who did the attack or professional saboteurs in the pay of an outside party.

  9. zendogbreath on September 19, 2019 at 5:55 pm

    Wasn’t Pompeo proven wrong recently in another attack blamed on Iran?

  10. zendogbreath on September 19, 2019 at 5:52 pm

    You sound alright.

  11. zendogbreath on September 19, 2019 at 5:52 pm

    So we can expect another earthquake tsunami in Japan in the next day or so?

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